This workplace assessment task requires you to identify a child displaying inappropriate behaviours (e.g. aggression, biting, tantrums, bullying) and work with family members and colleagues to create and implement a realistic plan to guide the behaviour of a child.
1. Select a child and observe the child’s behaviour on at least three occasions (in different situations and contexts (eg indoor/outdoor, map time, interacting with other children or adults, playing on their own)
Notes on observations:
Do not use the child’s name, you may refer to them as Child X or similar
You will need to have signed permission from their parent or guardian to undertake observations for the purposes of your assessment. A Confidentiality Agreement Form has been provided.
You may use the observation template provided or use templates provided by your workplace.
2. Gather information on the child’s behaviour by talking to the child’s parents and colleagues involved in the education and care of the child.
Based on the information, prepare a short report covering the following topics:
the incidents causing concern
possible contributing factors to behaviours of concern, i.e. recent events, child’s history, actions of others or developmental or emotional reasons
triggers for the behaviour, including features of the curriculum and/or environment
consequences of maintaining the behaviour
the needs and concerns of other children who may be affected by the behaviour
sources of support from appropriate authorities and referral bodies if necessary
3. Develop a behavioural guidance plan for the child. The plan must include:
long-term and short-term objectives consistent with child’s abilities, age, goals, parents expectations, health issues and developmental stage
acceptable alternative behaviours and strategies to develop these behaviours
resources required to implement the plan
relevant cultural practices for responding to behaviour
processes for communicating and monitoring agreed strategies
colleagues/specialist input
In developing the plan you should demonstrate how the plan complies with organisational, legal and ethical requirements including:
your service’s philosophy, code of ethics and policies and procedures
the National Quality Framework
the relevant approved learning framework
the family’s expectations and cultural values
encouraging others to adopt inclusive practices.
4. Implement and monitor the plan. Reflect on the process and prepare a report covering following topics.
a) Implementation. Explain how you:
supported the child to understand specific expectations for behaviour
developed a positive relationship with the child and involved them in decision making and planning
minimised factors that may have led to or maintained inappropriate behaviour
ensured responses to child’s behaviour was clear, consistent, calm and timely
maintained communication with families colleagues to ensure the plan was clearly understood and implemented effectively and consistently
reviewed the child’s behaviour against the plan and modified this where necessary
how you support colleagues to implement the plan
how you inform all involved in implementing and reinforcing the plan
b) Reflection. Reflect on the process and comment on:
What worked well
Areas that you need to develop
What you would do differently in the future
Evidence to be submitted:
A minimum of three observations of the child in a range of situations and contexts
Evidence of consultation in developing the plan, e.g. minutes from meetings, discussion notes, surveys, questionnaires, other staff observations
Behavioural report
Guidance plan
Organisational policies and procedures including philosophy, code of ethics, standards, templates
Review and reflection report.
Present Problem: Restlessness, gets distracted easily, unable to give attention to details, difficulty in concentrating, unable to complete homework on his own, avoid tasks which require concentration, forgetting daily activities, hyperactive, excessive energy, excessive talking, improper diet, and frequent fights with his sister. ‘X’ has been showing the sudden drastic change, from the past few weeks. He would slash through the home like a twister, noisy, and scrambling the furniture. No game or toy ever held his attention for over a few minutes. The symptoms reflects ADHD (Zametkin, 1995).
Family history: ‘X’S mother had episodes of depression 2 years ago and now is in good condition after medication.
Premorbid Personality: Since childhood, ‘X’ used to roam around the house endlessly for many hours without getting tired, he was hard for his parents as he was always hyperactive even in public places, school or at home. His mother always struggled to get him to sit and do his homework or daily chores. But from the past few days, he is having frequent fights with