Assignment 1:Write a short review essay on one of the following assigned readings (available on CULearn):William Twining, “The Great Juristic Bazaar”orJohn Borrows, Wampum at Niagara: The Royal Proclamation, Canadian Legal History, and Self Government”Review Essay Requirements:The essay is worth 30% of your final grade, will be marked out of 30, and is due on Tuesday October 13th. The essay must be submitted to your TA as as an electronic file(pdf or MSWord)on CULearn(via the essay assignment submit tab) by 4:00pm on the due date(late essays will be deducted 1 mark out of 30 for each day it is delayed beyond thedue date).The essay should be (three to four pages, double spaced, regular font and margins). Please indicate your name and student number, your TA’s name, the name of your selected author and date on the front of your essay.Please ensure the integrity of the electronic file of your essay (eg. that it is not corrupted), and retain a separate, correctly dated and secure backup copy of the file as submitted. Essays submitted irregularly will be assumed to be submitted at the time the essay can be first accessed on CULearn.(For questions/more information about electronic submissions see CULearn student support page Instructions for submitting an assignment in CULearn: The essay is a review of your selected reading and should focus on it, but you may also refer to the relevant parts of chapters 1 and 2 of the Looking at Lawcourse text book and my lectures. Other outside readings are not required. Your review should include the following elements which will be graded in the completed marking template returned to you on CULearnonce your TA has completed marking all the essays:Description: Briefly describe the topic examined and situate it in scholarly debates about the law. Author’s Theme: What is the author’s main point or central argument? Author’s Analysis: How does the author support his main point or argument by way of evidence, examples or illustrations, criticism of other perspectives or previous scholarship? Your Assessment: Are you convinced by the author or not? Why?