What am I required to do in this assignment?
You will present a clear business focus report of 2,000 words which resolves an HR issue/challenge, conduct small scale research, analysis findings, apply knowledge of HRM theory and practice, draw conclusions and provide recommendations for change. Additionally, you will write a reflection of 500 words identifying your own development throughout this unit.
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
In order to pass this unit you will need to demonstrate that you understand and present the keys aspects of a specific HR issue/challenge; apply in-depth knowledge of HR theory and/or practice through your research using credible academic sources; summarizing your analysis; making relevant recommendations; structured in the style of a business report; and you have undertaken a reflection on your development in this Assignment.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
You may have noticed that the section answering the question “How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?” is currently empty. We will be filling this section in together in class in week 8 to make sure you have downloaded/printed out the Assignment Brief and bring it to the session with you.
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
You will be introduced to decision making techniques and be encouraged to use critical thinking to address activities, case studies and assignments, which build the skills and behaviours consistent with the CIPD professional standards.
You will learn to identify appropriate sources of information for use in a particular tasks, apply theoretical models to given scenarios and learn to develop your own point of view based on evidence.
Identified an HR issue or challenge within the business. Limited attempt to identify relevant research linked to HRM theories and practices.
Identified the HR issue or challenge within the business, conducted limited but relevant research, linked to HRM theories and practices.
Identified the HR issue or challenge within the business, undertaking, conducted research linked to some HRM theories and practices.
Clearly identified the HR issue or challenge within the business, conducted credible and relevant research, linked to HRM theories and practices.
Structure and style may not always be appropriate for a business report; language errors generally of a minor nature; referencing not fully completed and not in the appropriate format. Some attempt made to make a coherent series of points.
Structure and style may not be fully appropriate for a business report; carelessness in spelling; vocabulary lacking polish but fully understandable; referencing correct for the most part. Argument is sketchy at times but with some support for points made.
Structured and styled as a business report; free from major faults of spelling and grammar; vocabulary appropriate; good referencing, maybe some omissions / minor errors. Argument is developed well, if not always fully coherent, with good support for points made.
Structured and styled as a business report; text free from spelling and grammatical errors; vocabulary appropriate to topic with all specialist terms defined; referenced correctly and fully using Harvard Style. Well structured, coherent argument, each point logically made and supported well.
1.Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Recognise the role of HR matrix and data sources in order to present a clear business focus report to resolve an HR issues/challenge .
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Apply knowledge of HRM theory and practice through conducting a small scale research, analyse findings, draw meaningful conclusions and provide recommendations for change