Person-centred practice is a form of practice that holds central the personhood of everyone involved in health and social care – staff, service users and care partners. The promotion of person-centred practice is a global phenomenon and is a key objective of Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland as evidenced by the Northern Ireland Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery (2010) and the Patient and Client Experience Standards (2008). There is, however, a need to understand how person-centredness can be effectively operationalised in practice, the approaches that can be used to support developments in practice, and how to evaluate the relationship between a person-centred approach to Nursing and the resulting outcomes for patients and nurses. The module will be underpinned by the Person-centred Practice Framework of McCormack & McCance (2017), a theoretical framework that will enhance understanding of person-centredness and its translation into nursing practice.
The aim of this module is to enable students to understand key principles underpinning person-centred practice in the context of public health, palliative care and Nursing in general through engagement with the theory and practice of person-centredness and related knowledge.
Successful students will be able to:
K1 Critically analyse the underpinning philosophy of personhood from various social, psychological, moral and ethical perspectives
Debate how the principles of personhood are applied in decision-making within health and social care and how these can challenge existing dominant health and social care paradigms
Critically evaluate the key theoretical principles underpinning person-centredness through peer discussion and debate, using the Person-centred Nursing Framework
Analyse the nature of evidence and its central focus in the development of person-centred cultures
5 Explore and critique different approaches to service development, service improvement, practice development and their contribution to the development of person-centred practice.
1 Critique the key qualities of a practitioner committed to working in a person-centred way
2 Synthesise key concepts and processes in person-centred practice
3 Analyse person-centred principles and their application in helping relationships with others
4 Critically reflect on mechanisms to create a culture that supports effective person-centred practice
1 Apply key learning with individuals and teams in the development of person-centred cultures and critically analyse processes used.
2 Use approaches that are collaborative, inclusive and participative to bring about practice change
3 Make use of workplace critical reflection to create a culture that can support person-centred practice
4 Engage in critical discussions about practice and how to make them more person-centred
1 Engage with critical reflection in a variety of contexts
2 Work collaboratively for the purposes of achieving more person-centred approaches to practice and increasing effectiveness
3 Facilitate effective workplace cultures, acting as a resource for others who want to develop this knowledge and skill
4 Apply person-centred leadership approaches in different contexts
Person centred practice: Overview of the Person centred Nursing Framework; Perceptions of self as a person-centred practitioner/educator/manager; Being a person-centred practitioner/ educator/manager person-centred approaches to ethical decision-making.
Culture: Visioning a person-centred culture; Exploring culture and context and its impact on person-centredness in practice; Leading the development of a person-centred culture; Creating opportunities for the development of a person-centred culture through everyday work
National and International evidence: Relating national and international policies and strategies to principles of person-centredness; The nature of evidence and its use in developing person-centred cultures; Evaluating the impact of person-centredness in practice.