How to use this template
If you use bits from another source in your coursework, without proper quotation marks and reference this will be the academic offence called 'plagiarism' - which can carry serious penalties. If you use bits of someone else’s report or if you give your report to someone else this will be the academic offence called ‘collusion’ – which can carry serious penalties.
By submitting this coursework you agree to the following:
I confirm that I understand what plagiarism and collusion are and have read and understood the section on Assessment Offences in the Essential Information for Students. The work that I have submitted is entirely my own. Any work from other authors is duly referenced and acknowledged.
Guidance: List the assets you need to protect and show here the risks of your given scenario, with good research supporting arguments. You should justify your choice of assets and risks using research. You MUST use a table for your risk register (see the tutorial of week 2 for an example). Define for each risk the likelihood and impact, as numbers, and show how the risks are prioritised. All risks need to be linked to your specific scenario (company AND type of threat) and justified with your arguments.
Guidance: Show here the software security solutions for the assets and risks you identified in 1. They need to be argued well across most types of threats, with limitations listed and supported by good research. Everything needs to be linked to the specific scenario and justified with your arguments. Again, a table may be useful here.
Guidance: Show here your business continuity and disaster recovery plan; if bad things do happen how will you recover and go on, what needs to be done, who needs to do what, and why. This needs to be consistent with the previous sections, addressing the assets of your specific scenario and supported by good research.
Guidance: For each of the sections above, using the assessment criteria provided and using any feedback you asked and got from discussions in your team and your tutor, assess each of your sections (put a tick next to the right grade) and give your arguments supporting your assessment.
Section 1: Risks identified in the scenario
The work is not done
The work lists very few assets and has some risks, but the risks are not appropriately linked to assets, likelihood and impact
The work has considered assets and has some risks mostly appropriately linked to assets, likelihood and impact
The work has assets and a risk table with risks appropriately linked to likelihood and impact and to assets
There is no evidence of research
There is some research but not referenced / used correctly
There is good use of research to support arguments, referenced consistently
Write here the feedback you got that supports your self-assessment score for this section and who gave you that feedback:
Section 2: Software security solutions and limitations
The work is not done
The work has some security software, not related to scenario given
The work describes software security solutions related to scenario given, but not limitations
The work describes software security solutions and limitations related to scenario given
The work describes software security solutions and limitations for scenario including from software design
There is no evidence of research
There is some research but not referenced / used correctly
There is good use of research to support arguments, referenced consistently
Write here the feedback you got that supports your self-assessment score for this section and who gave you that feedback:
The work is not done
The work shows how some of the risks would be handled, with arguments
The work shows how the risks would be handled appropriately, with some sensible examples of who does what
The work shows how the risks would be handled appropriately, with responsibilities assigned to appropriate roles
The work shows a clear plan for continuity and recovery, linked to the risks of section 1, with responsibilities assigned to appropriate roles
There is no evidence of research
There is some research but not referenced / used correctly
There is good use of research to support arguments, referenced consistently
Write here the feedback you got that supports your self-assessment score for this section and who gave you that feedback