The ASCE form of citation is basically used by civil engineers. Having said that it is very important to note the fact that the importance of citations that too done in a proper way is unparalleled. It is mandatory to give credit to different sources that are being used in any academic work. In fact, if any idea is used, the statistic as well as quotations or paraphrases all of these aspects when used in a document it is very important to cite them in order to give credit. This ensures that the work produced is not stolen or plagiarized rather it helps in distinguishing the real work of the scholar from the different kinds of ideas he or she in establishing a point. In the ambit of civil engineering, it is very important to note the fact that the sources here are used in two places that is the citation is used in two places. First is a short citation which is placed in the body of the paper where the actually content is written here the form is known as the in-text citation. Followed by this, the other kind of citation is used about the full details of the contents of the source which is given in the bibliography.
Thus, the ASCE citation style is a way of formatting and presenting the different kinds of sources used in an academic work. Having said that it is also important to note the fact that different kinds of citation styles exist in order to differentiate them from different kinds of academic disciplines. However regardless of what style a is used it is very important to include certain information in the citations in order to ensure that they are valid. The first of which is the author or the creator of any document be it a book or a magazine, a painting or any newspaper article. Having said that it is also very important to note the fact that the author of these documents can be one person or multiple people. However, for government reports as well as datasets or web resources there are no such one person identified who writes this, but in this case, it is very important that the organization is cited as the author or the creator. It very important to look out for this in the citation generators. Along with this the second most important aspect which requires mention is the title of the document. The title of the document can be the name of the book as well as the name of the title if it is a journal as well as the title used in magazine and newspapers. In case of images, videos of any movies the name of these are important to be included. Followed by this the third important aspect which needs to be mentioned is the publisher of the document, this includes the name of the publisher of the journal as well as conference, the publisher who published the book as well as the name of the website. Along with this the final aspect which is very important in the ASCE form of citation is the location of the document. In case the source is found through an electronic medium it is very important that the URL of the same is mentioned and for journal articles it is also very important that the DOI is mentioned as well.
Having said that the use of citation tool is also very important to mention. The ASCE citation manger is a very important tool which helps in managing how the citation can be done accurately. It also helps in maintaining a database of the citation as well as helps in how the it can further be used as a form of bibliography. With this it is also important to look at the core mission of the ASCE citation which is to ensure that the civil engineers for whom this is especially catered to receive the right kind of critical information. In the year the ASCE president James. P. Kirkwood addressed the importance of sharing information in order to enhance the existing body of scholarship as well as it helps in acknowledging the other of work contributors and this is why it is very important to make citations accordingly. As of today, the ASCE citation system has helped in creating a solid database of all the work done in the field of civil engineering and the kind of advancements that are being newly established. This unique form of citation has created a greater impact for the students of civil engineering who through this system has been able to exchange technical as well as professional knowledge. Thus, the citations made following the ASCE style has worked as an archival record of all the technical advances that has occurred in the profession. Moreover, in this context since knowledge sharing has become so widely popular it is very important to ensure the fact that when some form of knowledge is being used it is credited properly. This in return also helps in ethically developing a knowledge base it also inculcates a sense of honesty as well as trust. Proper citation ensures that the work is being delivered and the way it is done is by fair means. It also brings in respect as well as responsibility this is a gesture for the ones who are responsible in creating a particular discourse with their years of hard work, research capabilities as well as dedication. Some websites from where these citations can be done are from the cite this for me website as well as citation machine is also a good example.
Another advantage of citation that the ASCE citation machine ensures is the fact that when writing a research paper while it is very important that while crediting the other contributions is important. It is also equally important to ensure that the sources which are used in the written work are well documented as well which is stored with the help of proper citation. Having said that it is also important to note the fact that within the text the citation follows the author’s name and year format. If there is one author then the name of one author and year is mentioned. If two authors are used then the names of both the authors are given with an ‘and’ followed by the year of publication. Incase of more than three authors are there the name of the first author with an ‘’ is given followed by the year. In the ASCE citation style as well all the sources are collated and are included in the reference list. In the reference list the pattern that is followed is the last name and the initials of all the authors, along with this it is very important to include the year of publication. Followed by this it is also very important that the title of the book, along with this it is also very important to note the name of the publication. It is also important to include the name of the city as well as the state of publication and finally the page numbers used. This format is followed in the case of books as well as journals, magazine articles as well as newspaper article. Thus, it is very important to note the fact that it is a complete form in which the citation needs to be done. With is another important aspect which needs to mentioned is the fact that in order to prepare the reference list it is very important to list all the sources in an alphabetical order by the last name of the first author. Here in the reference list it is very important to list the names of all the authors. In case of anonymous reports and other standards, it is very important to arrange the alphabets of the same by following the name of the institution and it is also very important to include double space in the reference section.
For a book it is very important to note and include the name of the author either personal or corporate, it also includes the year in parenthesis, the title of the book, the publisher as well as the publisher’s location as well as chapter title. This is although needed if it is asked for along with this the page numbers also needs to be added if it is applicable again. For chapters in an edited book with different authors it is very important to note the fact that the author as well as year in parenthesis is required. In this context it is also very important to note the fact the fact that the chapter title is needed as well as the book title, the name of the editors is also needed. Along with these details the city of publication, the name of the publisher, year of the publication the page numbers of the areas included all these information is needed.
In case of a conference proceeding and a symposium it is very important to note the first author as well as the second author and the third author is needed. Their last name and initials are also required in this case and the year too is needed. With this the title of the paper inside quotations in required along with this the name of the conference as well as the name of the proceeding whatever it is, is a must. Having said that it is very important to note the fact that these proceedings needs to be added in Italics. With this the publisher of the conference or the proceedings too is required. It is also very important that the place of the publication the name of the city as well as the state and the country is also very important to mentioned. With this it is also important to mention the page numbers.
With regards to the government reports the format is that which requires the name of the authors, in order how many ever authors are there in the publication and the creation of the report is very important. Their last name, their first name, the year all of this is very important to take into consideration and should be added in order to ensure that a proper citation following the ASCE rule is maintained. With this it is also important to note the fact that title of the paper needs to be added, along with this the name or the number of the paper in italics is also very important. With this another important thing which needs to be added is the name of the government agency as well as the place of publication.
In case of journals, it is very important the first the author surname is given followed by the initials which is followed by this the year of publication comes in a parenthesis. Along with this it is also important that the title of the article is included. Along with this it is also very important that the title of the journal, which volume it is the number of the issue as well as the number of pages used these are all crucial information which is required in order to make a journal citation complete. Along with this it is also important to double check the year, having said that the journal title too is very important, with this it is also important that the volume as well as the issue numbers are also added. Overall to ensure that the citation is correct it is also important to note that the page numbers are verified and are added it they are asked to as well as if it is applicable. In case of making citations for web pages as well as for films and online images and online videos it is very important that the name of the creator is added the title of the source as well as the year of publication is added as well. Along with this one of the most important aspects that needs to be kept in mind with regards to these forms of sources is the fact that here the name of the webpage is a must with the mention of the accessed date.
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