Toxicology: Annotated Biography, Term Paper and Presentation
Project: Annotated Biography, Term Paper and Presentation
Research a topic in toxicology. Information, which could be provided in your paper/video on the selected topics, includes:
- Chemical, physical characteristics of the toxicant
- How dangerous is the agent (LD50, LC50, NOEL, NOAEL, etc.)
- Exposure: Sources for humans, wildlife
- Environmental fate, bioaccumulation – is this a long-term problem?
- What does it do? Cellular mechanisms of action?
- Future concerns – the unknown and specific research questions.
This is a laddered research assignment.
- Identify your topic and submit it in writing for approval.
- The annotated biography is step two. It defines the project. It is the science foundation for the paper and presentation. The biography is the core of the project and the project is a work in progress. Five or six key studies are needed. The biography will be reviewed and returned with Due date September 18, 2020
- The written report on the topic should be:
- Approximately 8 pages text, with 2.5 CM margins in a 12-point font and double-spaced.
- The introduction should tell the reader why we should care about this toxic agent
- This should be new knowledge and you need to describe how this knowledge was created. What were the methods of the key studies?
- What did they find? The results.
- Place the results within the broader literature in the discussion section and provide a summary /
- All sources must be acknowledged. A good paper will call on 8 – 12 references from the research literature including authoritative reviews.
- You are required to prepare and deliver your paper on zoom as a 10-minute lecture.