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Comcast Telecommunications Case Study

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Introduction Of Comcast

Comcast Corporation is an American multinational telecommunications conglomerate which is considered to be largest telecommunication in United States. However, it is also considered to be the largest broadcasting and cable television company in the world. They are high largest pay-tv company and the largest cable TV company and largest home internet service providers in United states (Baccarne, Evens and Schuurman 2013). The services provided by this company are featured filmed, over the air live shows, cable television programming. The company was established 28 June 1963, Tupelo, Mississippi, United State and it was the headquarters in Philadelphia (Shin, Park and Lee 2016). This company have a residential and commercial customer in 40 states and currently focused on producing films. As boom followed bust, the company continued to expand its identity in commercial world but encountered challenges. The paper aims to discuss vision and mission statement, situation analysis, industry structure and SWOT analysis.

Introduction Of Comcast

Vision and Mission Statement of Comcast

Vision statement:

The vision of the Comcast is, ““we continue to look to the future – seeking out new communications technology, new opportunities, and more choices”

 Mission statement:

The mission of the Comcast is “to create incredible technology and entertainment that connects millions of people to the moments and experiences that matter most”. Their mission and vision are driven by respect, quality content and respect and entertainment. 

Vision and Mission Statement of Comcast

Comcast Holdings Situation Analysis:

It is one of the largest TV companies that promote distinct commercials, sitcoms, and live programs. Five years ago, this company Xfinity Mobile as a new kind of mobile service that leverages the best of cellular and broadband together in one product and they have built 4.5 million consumer lines for expanding their target market as well as business (Park and Kwon 2019). The company also currently focuses on high-quality wireless services as well as home internet services. However, currently, the company has been criticized for customer satisfaction ratings because customer satisfaction ratings were among the lowest in the cable industry. The company also encountered challenges for violating net neutrality practices despite receiving workings (Kim et al. 2017).   Hence, currently, the company is working on its strategy in order to improve content production and private network broadcast.

Industry Structure and Economic Feature

This company is working in telecommunications industries, especially within the sector of information and communication. They are part of the information sector that generate revenues via subscription mobile services, fixed landline, wireless broadband services, and mobile security-related services to business. The company has an oligopoly market structure. The cable companies are few and offer more or less similar or little differentiated services to the people (Burroughs 2019). The company has a segment that will make 52% of the bill and develop revenue from the theme park.


i) Business Level Strategies:

The company has a range of strategies to improve the company revue. For example, in order to expand the market and continue to receive appreciation, the company announced a multi-gigabit broadband strategy today with faster download as well as upload speeds. The company is expanding Wi-Fi services and calls this nation’s largest cable services with 50 million homes. The company will target more than 80 million homes by 2025 with revenue of more than 80% (Schwarze, 2018).

 ii) Corporate Level Strategies:

While business strategies are currently suitable for the company, the company also brings changes in the corporate strategies to get competitive strategies. For example, the minimal subscription fees are a major corporate strategy because the company provides access to all of the classes through minimal subscriptions while bringing maximum revenue (Schwarze, 2018).  

Competitive Analysis and Advantage in the Industry

The company has a competitive strategy ability to reach more people through its network. TV commercials, feature films, and internet connection-related strategies are designed by considering the population who are young. The youth population has a tendency to bring innovation and accept innovative ideas that others are imposing. Since other cable companies are unable to bring this innovation, this is a competitive advantage for the company to reach the maximum number of individuals around the globe through featured films and current telecom services (Majid Gilani and Faccia 2021).  Hence, this industry has a limited competitive edge compared to other industries which provide this company with the leverage to bring revenue and gain expansion of consumers. Comcast's competitors include Netflix, Broadview Networks, The Walt Disney Company, Dish Network, and Shaw Communications.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths ii) Weaknesses iii) Opportunities iv) Threats


· One of the leading telecommunications brands

·  Economies of scale in its operation and lower cost (Davis et al. 2017)

·   The company offers an array of services to the individuals in United states, unlike others.


· The company currently requires the tremendous expenditure in order to provide service to the consumers

· Intention competition and regulations affect the market growth.


· The graduated response to the data usage

· Changing traditional trends and focusing on 3D Televisions and streaming content.

· Expand its horizon by acquisition and joint ventures in international markets  (Schwemm  2021)


· Regulatory changes by federal, state, and local government

·  streaming content and YouTube can affect this cable business (McGuigan and Pickard 2016)


PESTLE Analysis:

 Political factors

The political instability is currently affecting the business because Comcast Corporation. is present in different countries and hence, frequently subjected to the political dilemma. Frequent changes in government policies harm business performance ((McGuigan and Pickard 2016)



  Economic factors

A well-developed infrastructure facilitates the business environment and increases the growth potential of the gold industry.  The company is gaining revenue through the business industry and a high-interest rate will encourage the attitude toward investment and increase growth opportunities for Comcast Corporation (Sefati et al. 2019).  

Social factors

The local cable company is not considered as an example of a perfectly competitive firm. However, the company is considered as an example of competitive firm as it engages clients through brand awareness and use subscriptions to attract individuals. However, brand ambassadors as well as role models are used for attracting youth for subscriptions

 Legal markets the

The market is an oligopoly market structure, and constant regulations in the TV commercials and featured films may affect the company (Lozic 2021).

 Technological factors

The company uses advertisements and social media in order to bring revenue. A close eye should be kept on analyzing the 5G and determining its potential to deliver positive business outcomes through enhanced user experience, increased speed, and expanded access (Lozic 2021).

 Environmental factors

In order to improve sustainability, reusable products are fundamental for the company to label up. In this case, Comcast Corporation can benefit from it and invest in renewable technologies (Gillan 2019).


Target Market Analysis of Comcast

i) Demographic Characteristics of Market

Comcast is considered to be a male-dominated business that mostly focused on 24/ 7 hours flexibility for all of the company. The current statistics suggested that 55% of Comcast employees are male while less than 45% of Comcast employees are female. The most common race/ethnicity at Comcast is White. 61% of employees at Comcast are White.

 ii) Demographic Characteristics of Market

Comcast has several services spread across domains and geographies. The demographic characterise of the market are young generation as well as older generations. Young generations are mostly focused on free or less pricy subscriptions in order to improve quality of time. However, retirement make older population to focus the cable and related wireless services. Hence, this group is also looking for something less expensive but with high entertainment (Financial, Lines and Holdings 2021).  In terms of cable services, they are also looking for low conductivity and highly sustainable wires in order to reduce costing.

iii) Psychological Characteristics of the Market

In current market scenario electrical wire and cable market is very competitive. Number of branded as well as unbranded players is available in this competitive market. In this case, consumers were looking for cable services that provides. The individuals are also looking for wires that can sustain the temperature and looking for content that entertain them for longer time (Financial, Lines and Holdings 2021).

iv) Behaviours of the Target Market

In order to bring environmental sustainability, insulated winding wire of copper, optical fibre cables and other cables are frequently bought by the consumers.  They are mostly inclined towards such strategies and constantly buying copper wires (Financial,  Lines and Holdings 2021).

v) Strategies Appealing to Market

 The following strategies are appealing to the market such as

First 5g holding Wi-Fi  (Financial,  Lines and Holdings 2021).

Marketing Mix of Comcast Holdings

i) Product Strategy (Product Mix):

 The company developed a range of products in their market. The examples of the products are following

Universal Cable Networks, Broadcast Television (Financial, Lines and Holdings 2021).

ii) Pricing Strategy

Currently average annual bundle is priced around $100 and provide three months trial for free in order to attract consumers. They are also offering other one month subscription and free cable services if high-rate subscriptions are purchased (Financial, Lines and Holdings 2021).

iii) Promotional/ Advertising Plan

The company use promotions through advertisements on its websites and use social media. Since younger population is target population, the company mostly focused   on social media especially Facebook and Instagram. TV commercials, print ads, online advertisements are also common methods for promotions.

ASML Holding NV Competitive Analysis

i) 4Ps’ comparisons with competitors:

Different business models of the company and different services for bringing revenue.

ii) Product

 The company not only have products like wiring, they also a have subscription business.

iii) Price

iv) Place

Comcast is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has offices in Atlanta (Financial,  Lines and Holdings 2021).

v) Promotion

Comcast has its internal creative agency which works for itself and other partners. This agency comes up with the required content to promote the company.

vi) Strengths’ comparisons with competitors

 Have different services in order to bring revenue in the company.   It supports company to make up the loss which comes from other segments.

vii) Weaknesses’ comparison with competitors

Diversification becomes a need of every business for further growth. However, fit for all strategies may affect population. Comcast is often criticized by the media and its own staff for its less-than-upstanding policies of employee relations.

viii) Organization’s Competitive Advantage:

The company has a high corporate responsibility and agreement to cooperate will help increase our competitive viability in a market controlled by national players.

Key success factors

The common success factors are following:

Problems and Issues in Comcast Organization

As discussed above, this company encountered challenges for violating corporate social responsibility and commercial-related issues.  For example, the consumer satisfactions issues and others led to Comcast being dubbed "The Worst Company in America" by The Consumerist in 2010 and 2014 (Bourgeois, Goodman and Wynne 2017). The company is currently having a problem—it isn't signing up many new broadband customers. The company must be focused on the high financial planning in order to gain competitive advantages.

Financial Analysis

Global market of insulated wire & cable consists of electric conductors up to 1000 volts with 70.60% of the global demand and the remaining proportion of 29.40% is comprised co-axial cable and co-axial electric conductor, electrical conductors more than 1000 volts, insulated winding wire of copper, optical fibre cables and other insulated winding wire.   Considering this market, Revenues grew sixfold from 1999's $6 billion to almost $36 billion in 2009. Net profit margin rose from 4.2% in 1999 to 8.4% in 2009, with operating margins improving 31% and return on equity doubling to 6.7% in the same time span. Between 1999 and 2009, return on capital nearly tripled to 7% (Greenwald, 2019). Comcast reported first quarter 2012 profit increases of 30% due to increase in high-speed internet customers.


On a concluding note, it can be said that   Comcast considered to be high largest pay-tv company and the largest cable TV company and largest home internet service providers in United states. The services provided by this company are featured filmed, over the air live shows, cable television programming. Comcast competitors include Netflix, Broadview Networks, The Walt Disney Company, Dish Network and Shaw Communications. Number of branded as well as unbranded players is available in this competitive market. In this case, consumers were looking for cable services that provides.
