Innovation is mostly a result of trial and error experiment and sometimes occur incidentally when researchers produce something else than they intended. A critical factor in introducing innovation in any organization is an awareness of the need to innovate and understanding o the benefit the innovation can bring (Bunnell, 2000). It is very important to know the customers and fulfil their innovative needs. Innovative companies are those, which often lead with the new technologies that continue to advance the current consumer market and drive economic growth. Companies like Apple and Google continuously redefine their technology and knowledge that they influence is overwhelming. Companies that make innovation and their primary focus are in the position to stand in the crowd and ensure profitability.
Innovative companies employ creative and competent individuals who not only have a creative mind introducing new products but also can see it through completion (Gassmann, 2006). Innovative ideas help the company to create product differentiation and product diversification. The company with innovative idea and new products stand sound in the competitive market increasing customer satisfaction and increase in profit margin. Ever changing consumer need is a reason for innovative minds.
The creativity exhibited by the innovative companies often puts them in a position of leadership in their respective industries (Rosenberg, 2010). The companies with innovative products lead the market. For example company which introduce a new innovative product leaves behind other companies of the same industries far behind. By the time the companies manage to catch up with the product, the innovative company creates a new innovative product to lead the way once again. Small companies are not in the position to take such kind of leadership from the outset, but they can develop their reputation and do so over a course of time, one product at a time. According to Mehta (2007), the companies are in position to increase or keep the market quota for the products. Open to innovation makes the company controller of market and market strategies. The company becomes the price maker and the consumers behave as price taker. Innovative plan make use of new business opportunities, which are left unused by the non-innovative companies.
Companies, which are habituated with innovation, provide many new products to the market thus gaining the confidence of the consumers over the product (Hobbs, 2009). Providing innovative products give the company a competitive advantage over others. The company is able to make full utilization of economic resources in developing the new innovative product.
2.13 Challenges in Implementation of Innovation Strategies in Project Management:
According to Lundvall and Others (1988), innovation strategies while implied in organisational framework are also comprised of certain limitations that restrict the quality of process. Project managers while adopting innovation process undergoes detail section of analysis that further faces issues at various levels. Fuchs et al. (2000) noted that project manager tries to come to from various form of limitations and accordingly uses best strategies to have maximum extract of the innovation process. Challenges involved in production process are due to various factors and in this section, the researcher will try to analyse each segment so that better analysis of challenges can be undertaken.
Contemporary times is thriving its focus on innovation, as it is ideal in helping organisation to come out of the competitive environment. Application of innovation as a process serves many parameters such as creating strong base where process is focussed on creating much improved set of products and its quality. Innovation process is helpful for UK companies as it brings scopes that can be utilised in bringing positive things in the production system further helpful in bringing much focus on better satisfaction of customers. Further, innovation process is helpful in providing economic growth to the organisation as it seeks ways that can provide benefit on financial basis as well. Innovation process is also catching up amidst employees as the risks and challenges involved in the process motivates and inspires them to face the circumstances with confidence and competence. Various authors, scholars and researchers have tried to review implication process of innovation in project management that reflected importance of process for adoption of synchronised process.
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Research methodology is a chapter, which helps in describing the most suitable approach of the business, which needs to be following by the organization to achieve complete and correct detail results of the operation of the business (Egan, 2008). The research methodology explain those plans, theories and the concepts of operation which should be adopted at the time of research methodology helps in having deeper and good analysis of the given research topic. Application for the research methodology aids in better and clear understanding of the procedure and operation which the organization to adopt while analysing the particular research operation of consumers’ of selecting branding, taste and decision-making process. The research methodology, deals in the detail and clear process of business operation, which remove the general errors in the process of operation of a business (Leavy and Hesse-Biber, 2010). Besides this, the researcher methodology tried to relate the each feature of the process of an organization for better and correct analysis of role of innovation in project management in UK companies.
In the particular chapter of the given topic, the researcher shows the specify research techniques for an organization to consider the branding profitably and its influence from the consumer’s taste and decision-making process will be evaluated with reference of innovation in the project management in UK companies. Selected research according to the research methodology is philosophy positivism that can help in gaining information based on proper logic and evaluation. Another, deductive approach of research methodology allows the researcher to perform the study of the research which is based on initially on the secondary sources of data resource which will helps in determining the consumers’ behaviour and the taste preference which influence the innovation in project management in UK companies. In research methodology, descriptive design helps the researcher for explaining the used and applied operation concepts and ideas for the betterment and innovation in project management in UK companies. Research methodology helps in the detail manner to collect the proper study material of the particular given topic and its nature of operation. Application for the innovation in the project management of the UK companies and secondary source of data collection also give an additional helps in the research topic for better and correct result of analysis. In this research topic, the researcher has taken the sample size to get the proper result by involving 50 employees and 5 managers for quantitative and qualitative techniques.
Research onion is a process of research methodology, which helps in analysing a particular topic of research with the proper result and analysis of the topic (Leavy and Hesse-Biber, 2010). Research methodology also helps operation process for the academic student to do the proper and correct research operation in a particular topic. Research methodology also helps student with the better time division with each stage of the research (Saunders et al. 2009). In six different divisions, research onion is divided namely Philosophies, Strategies, Choices, Time Horizons, Techniques and Procedures.
(Source: Saunders et al. 2009, pp. 52)
As shown in the research onion diagram, the research onion helps academic student to research their topic one by one layer by layer by the research techniques that helps to do better research and collect more of real information from the research by analysing the research data. A researcher need to follow the layers of onion research one by one as the structure onion research is showing in the diagram.
Function of research philosophy is to provide a thought framework that can help in describing the research study in a detail and appropriate manner. With the help of research philosophy, kind of idea and viewpoint towards the study is adopted and selected that helps a researcher in better understanding and analysis of the research topic. Kothari (2008) defined that common forms of research philosophies includes positivism, interpretive and realism research philosophy. Positivism is articulated by facts and information that helps in instilling better quality and proof for the study topic. Interpretive study helps a researcher in understanding the complexities of social life and supports involvement of researcher’s idea in understanding the research topic in detailed manner. Lastly, realism involves an integrated study of positivism and interpretivism that tries to penetrate the inner details of the research study.
The researcher for this particular topic takes positivism to analysis its report in better and easy manner and collects the information and facts regarding the innovation in the project management in the UK companies. Beside this the nature of the topic need time limits management to complete the project in time for which realism and interpretative options are discard for the research philosophy in this particular nature of topic.
A research approach is necessary for a particular nature of topic to give the required material and format of the research to perform the study of material in right and correct manner (Gulati, 2009). Any kind of research can be process ahead by two different approaches either by inductive approach or by deductive approach. Inductive approach is the study, which the researcher chose to research its report by adequate collected data resource.
(Source: Cameron, R. 2009, pp. 152)
On the other hand, Ellis and Levy (2009) described that Deductive approach is depending upon the specific theory and new frame theories on the particular research analysis as the data is collected. Since as per the nature of the selected topic and its research analysis, the proper selection of the approach done for helping the researcher in better analysing the given topic.
In the given research, the researcher tries to go through the ideas and concepts of the innovation in the project management in the UK companies with the different steps of research onion. Innovations in the project management requires different types of models for the better selection of the approach which will helps the researcher to understand the analysis report and give the clear and exact result of its research. As per the research of the given topic, inductive approach in not suitable in this research analysis as the researcher is not giving any new concepts, idea or theories regarding its analysis time. Since, innovation in the project management in UK companies helps the researcher to understand and get clear idea about the concepts in a broad manner.
Research design of a particular topic helps in determining the work structure of a given topic (Leavy and Hesse-Biber, 2010). It helps in the collection and selection of data resource during analysing the research report. For the benefits of academic student, research design is of three types, exploratory research design, Explanatory research design and Descriptive research design.
(Source: Ebgu, C. O., 2006, pp. 315)
While processing the research of data collection, specific types of research design is select by the researcher that helps in the narration of the research analysis. As per the nature of the research, the researcher chooses the Exploratory Design of research design, which gives various kinds of ideas and concepts while completing the research analysis of the particular topic.
Descriptive as choice of research design explains the role of innovation process in project management department with much effectiveness. Mere description of the relationship and factor for various parameters may limit the quality of study, so descriptive is selected to have area of analysis for examining innovative strategies amidst UK manufacturing firms.
Data collection in a research process helps in highlighting the areas that is comprised of information and facts related to the research topic. Crowther and Lancaster (2012) noted that data collection gives a practical understanding of the concerned research topic and accordingly helps in gaining better details of the topic in a better and standardised manner.
Data sources are the research materials used in study of any topic and are helpful in citing results and information of the topic. Denzin and Lincoln (2011) pointed out that primary and secondary are the two broad forms of data sources used in a research work and are considered helpful in providing details related to the topic. In case of primary sources, the researcher directly interact with the involved subjacent or respondents in order to gain most relevant and appropriate information and knowledge. On the other hand, as described by Hesse-Biber (2010), secondary sources are the already published and known facts used to gather background details and better quality of information related to the research topic. In a research work, primary and secondary sources are helpful to a researcher has it provides required data details giving light on the related areas as and when required.
Data techniques in a research study can be either qualitative or quantitative or both that helps a researcher in conducting research process. In the words of Ellis and Levy (2009), qualitative data is helpful in dealing with descriptive data that deals in giving detailed explanation to the concerned topic. On the other hand, Denzin and Lincoln (2011) pointed that quantitative data describes viewpoints of larger respondents in a more structured and easy manner and increases the concern of viability as well. However, in quantitative study, thoughts of the respondents are limited due to list of parameters.
In the present study, the researcher has applied mixed approach that supports integrated study of quantitative and qualitative study. Employees of UK firms are selected for studying the application process of innovative strategies in projects departments and accordingly analysis of the applied process. On the other hand, managers of selected UK firms are considered for gaining details related to application process of innovative strategy so that the researcher can ideally gain adequate data about the topic.
Number of individuals getting affected with the study of a particular firm either in direct or indirect manner is termed as population (Cameron, 2009). Study of innovation and its impact in creating synchronised form of project management involves employees and managers of projects departments of various UK firms those are regularly applying and using this process. However, due to cross-sectional nature of study, not every involved person can be considered for study of the topic. According to Egan (2008), sample study in a research process helps in selecting particular set of respondents based on few criteria suiting according to the nature and requirements of the topic.
In the particular topic, respondents involved are employees and managers of UK firms so that the researcher can accordingly understand the role of innovation strategy in the project management department. Sampling technique helps a researcher in adopting the process depending on the topic’s nature to choose or considered respondents for a sample study (Kothari, 2008). As the researcher is not categorising any specific criteria for selection of sample, so convenient sampling is opted by the researcher so that complexities in selection of the sample can be much easy.
Sample size is the total number of respondents or participants selected for study of a particular research process (Saunders et al. 2009). For the study of innovative process in project management, sample size is segregated into two categories, quantitative and qualitative section. Sample size for study of employees is 55 and for qualitative is 5 in number.
During the process of research study, ethical considerations are helpful in listing the activities that are ideally correct for study of the topic (Gulati, 2009). In the concerned topic, research ethics are helpful in increasing the quality of the research process, apart from setting a standardised form of research study.
Research limitations in a research study are held responsible for citing the areas where possibilities of restricted study due to certain factors are cited (Bryman, 2008). In the particular research work, the researcher has tried to list the research limitations that due to certain parameter are restricting in studying the innovative strategies as a process of synchronisation in project management.
The research limitations to certain extent were liable in diminishing the quality of study, as the researcher cannot avoid these limitations.
Application of time horizons helps a researcher in understanding the present status of the research that also provides details related to the research work (Ebgu, 2006).
Main activities/ stages |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Topic Selection |
· |
Data collection from secondary sources |
· |
· |
Creating layout |
· |
Literature review |
· |
· |
· |
Formation of the research Plan |
· |
· |
Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques |
· |
· |
Primary data collection |
· |
· |
Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection |
· |
· |
Findings of the Data |
· |
Conclusion of the Study |
· |
Formation of Rough Draft |
· |
· |
Submission of Final Work |
· |
· |
(Source: Created by the author)
As illustrated in the above table, the researcher tried to list the key activities involved in the completion of the project against the parameter, time. It helped in locating the status-quo for each task and helped in completion of the project within time, which helped in easy adoption of the cross-sectional nature of the study.
Research process for the particular research study is helpful in synchronising the research tools in the most appropriate ones. This chapter stated the used and selected research tools for evaluating role of innovation strategies in project management framework. Based on proper justification, each research tool will help the researcher in conducting most standardised form of research that will further help in analysing the data as required in the process of research study.
In a research work, data analysis is crucial for collection of the relevant information that further helps in increasing the knowledge level for the concerned studies. In the present chapter, the researcher will gather information related to the application of innovation in the project management process. With the help of employees and managers of various UK firms specialising in manufacturing, the researcher will gain ideal and related data. Innovation and its potentiality is analysed via feedback of the involved participants that are also helping in giving deep details about the research topic. This chapter will further analyse the collected data to have a clear picture for studying the innovative strategies as applied in the projects. According to the viewpoints of employees and managers, data will be observed and analysed with respect to the research topic enabling better quality to the research study.
Quantitative data in the particular research study is perception of the employees who are employed under UK companies. Employees of an organisation are gaining capabilities for better application of the innovation strategies. In this section, quantitative analysis will help in interacting with larger respondents that will also help in gaining better market details.
Q1) How far you agree that project management in an organisation needs strategic implementation of tools to enhance production?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
9 |
50 |
18% |
Agree |
17 |
50 |
34% |
Neutral |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Disagree |
8 |
50 |
16% |
Strongly Disagree |
6 |
50 |
12% |
Findings and Analysis:
As analysed in the above table, maximum number of respondents opted for agree with 34% while 20% of the respondents followed neutral. Strongly agree and disagree was selected by 18% and 16% respectively. Lastly, strongly disagree was choice of 12% of the respondents.
Project management within an organisation believes in introduction of the strategic management that can help in bringing alterations in a positive direction. Strategic application of project management helps in shaping positive response for adoption of innovation. Strategic implementation accordingly believes in analysing the needs that can be supplied with the help of proper survey and observation. Strategic tools in process of production are helpful as it supplies more integrated form of production level. Amidst various competitors, project management helps in understanding the factors helpful in uplifting the process of production. Organisations with the help of innovation crucially read the factors helping in bringing positive alterations. Production level is achieved to a new level with the help of innovation as it seeks ways of improvement and development depending on the nature of the organisation. Current market conditions are analysed by project managers and the best suited approaches are adopted to have new form of production system. However, few respondents believe strategic implementation of project management process may not be suitable enough for having improved forms of production levels. Challenges existent in the organisation and the business activities are aligned with the applications of the innovative strategies. In UK companies, many project managers are giving focus on the strategic implementation process so that new and improved level of production can be experienced.
Q2) Being employee of a manufacturing firm, how far project managers are successful in motivating you?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly Successful |
9 |
50 |
18% |
Successful |
15 |
50 |
30% |
No Effect |
12 |
50 |
24% |
Unsuccessful |
9 |
50 |
18% |
Strongly Unsuccessful |
5 |
50 |
10% |
Findings and Analysis:
As illustrated in the above table, successful is opted by 30% of the respondents while no effect is the choice of 24% of the respondents. On the other hand, unsuccessful and strongly unsuccessful is selected by 18% and 10% of the respondents respectively. Lastly, 18% of the respondents opted for strongly successful for the concerned topic.
Innovative strategies helps in enhancing the confidence level of the employees as better quality of product is achieved that directly effects the competencies of employees. Respondents getting aid due to application of innovative strategies gets a scope of increasing the production level along with better quality. Application of technological processes supports concepts of larger quantity that enables the quality of serving large market and increases the chance of earning larger revenue. Project management without involvement of employees cannot guarantee success for any concerned project. Employees undertaking project are allowed to use their creativity in the task and project and the most suitable ones are helpful in boosting the morale of the employees. However, project mangers aims to motivate employees as it has the potentiality of satisfying customers with adequate job quality and work experience. Within a particular organisation, employees prefer to have challenging and interesting task that can kill the mundane form of work and further helps in testing of the employees’ competence as well. Project managers during the implementation of innovative strategy seek motivation so that employees can adopt the process with much efficiency and proficiency. Motivated employees are able to look at the various perspectives of innovativeness so that positive factors of organisation can be enlarged while negative ones can be minimised.
Q3) How far you agree innovation is helpful in contemporary environment of organisations?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
12 |
50 |
24% |
Agree |
16 |
50 |
32% |
Neutral |
13 |
50 |
26% |
Disagree |
06 |
50 |
12% |
Strongly Disagree |
03 |
50 |
06% |
Findings and Analysis:
In the above table, agree and strongly agree is opted by 32% and 24% of the respondents respectively. On the other hand, strongly disagree and disagree is selection made by 12% and 6% of the respondents in a consecutive manner. Lastly, neutral is choice among 26% of the respondents.
Contemporary times in every market are experiencing competition that elevates the market performance in a group form. Every organisation tries to adopt the best features and attraction factor that can help in increasing the number of customers. Innovation is a process to avoid competition of a concerned market. Organisation amidst various competitors faces issues related to implementation of contemporary times. With the help of innovative strategies, organisations aim to enhance the production level so that competition level can be minimised. Modern times of economy need to put more focus on innovative strategy where lower cost of production and higher volume of production can attained at same parameter. Innovation strategy helps in formation and planning of alternatives and based on the contemporary conditions, most suitable ones are selected. Organisations in modern times face various new entrants that force them to look at innovative aspect that can help in bringing sustainability in a long run. However, adoptions of innovation by various organisations are interpreted in ranging manners that is analysed through various aspects so that recognition of the most suitable one is made. Contemporary times need aggressive use of innovativeness that can help in solving issues of the organisation.
Q4) How far you agree that innovation brings positive changes in production system?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Agree |
15 |
50 |
30% |
Neutral |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Disagree |
8 |
50 |
16% |
Strongly Disagree |
7 |
50 |
14% |
Findings and Analysis:
As described in the above table, agree is selected by maximum number of respondents (30%) whereas strongly agree is followed by 20% of the respondents. Disagree and strongly disagree in the different group got favoured by 16% and 14% of the respondents respectively. Moreover, 20% of the respondents selected neural as their option.
An organisation tries to focus on innovation and aims to extract positive factors for development of an organisation. Production system involves risk assessment that can help in implementation of the most suitable alternatives and strategies. Innovation as a strategy is believed to enhance the production system that automatically brings changes in favour of the organisation. Production process under the light of innovation brings highlighting focus on potential factors so that in future, thrust on positive factors could be utilised in bringing favourable changes. Production level with improvements is able to have better potentiality of attracting customers and maintaining strong position in the target market. However, few of the respondents also categorise in the other school of thought where innovation has certain limitations as well. Companies while applying innovation has to gather adequate market related strategy that can be implied with much effectiveness and impact. Positive changes within an organisation help in increasing the potentialities and accordingly organisational development takes place. Changes in projects are expected as it helps in bringing alterations according to the current status of the market and needs of the organisation. Depending on the impact of changes, positive or negative changes are identified. Innovation tries to bring changes that can help in bringing better future for the organisation and accordingly strategies or processes are planned.
Q5) How far are you satisfied that innovation strategies help in better synchronisation of the production process?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
12 |
50 |
24% |
Agree |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Neutral |
13 |
50 |
26% |
Disagree |
8 |
50 |
16% |
Strongly Disagree |
7 |
50 |
14% |
Figure 10: Satisfaction that innovation strategies help in better synchronisation of the production process
Findings and Analysis:
According to the above table, neutral holds the dominant position with 26% of the respondents and is followed by strongly agree where 24% of the respondents are observed. However, agree and disagree is selected by 20% and 16% of the respondents. Apart from that, strongly disagree was choice of 14% of the respondents only.
Innovation strategies within an organisation are supposed to understand the market in the most detail form and accordingly are adopted within organisational framework. Market knowledge involves better understanding of consumers’ preferences, desires, selections and tastes for a particular set of product. However, better market analysis is time consuming and involves much effort. Innovation strategies seek alignment of processes and strategies as and when required. Production process with the help of innovation strategies locates the need and accordingly alteration is desirable. Satisfaction among employees via innovation strategies is desirable as it has the ability of bringing positive alterations that can help in bringing positive impacts into the organisation. Synchronised process also helps in easily locating of the issues that develops implementation so the strategy in a more definite manner. Employees, however, on other side are also not completely satisfied with the synchronised form as few of the limitations are still observant in many UK firms. Project managers are striving to bring step-by-step form of innovation process implementation. Contemporary market condition brings need of synchronisation where ability of improvement also gets motivated and employees are easily able to adopt the process and follow accordingly.
Q6) How far are you satisfied with technological innovation in production management techniques?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly Satisfied |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Satisfied |
14 |
50 |
28% |
Neutral |
12 |
50 |
24% |
Dissatisfied |
9 |
50 |
18% |
Strongly Dissatisfied |
5 |
50 |
10% |
Findings and Analysis:
As illustrated in the following table, satisfied is opted by 28% of the respondents whereas strongly satisfied and dissatisfied is choice of 20% and 18% respectively. Strongly dissatisfied is selected by 10% of the participants. Lastly, neutral is option selected by 24% of the respondents.
Technological up gradation is identified today by every organisation. Employees although faces issues in adopting technical processes, however these techniques are helpful in sustaining the competitive environment. Technology is modified at rapid rate and is continuously aiming to enhance the production process so that scope of earning larger profits and greater share of revenue is achieved. However, technology is also raising complexities of business process that at times creates resistance within employees. Alterations in the form of technological innovation ask employees to alter the method of production that may not be welcoming at every organisation’s production department. Large number of competitors aims to implement technological innovation as it is having quality of attracting customers with much ease and effectiveness. Machineries used in UK firms are getting upgraded and digitalised that is helping employees in better adoption of the technology along with improving the production quality. On the other hand, modern equipments are helping project managers in better analysis of the production system.
Q7) How far you agree that innovation strategies help in solving global competition and issues?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
8 |
50 |
16% |
Agree |
17 |
50 |
34% |
Neutral |
9 |
50 |
18% |
Disagree |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Strongly Disagree |
6 |
50 |
12% |
Findings and Analysis:
In the table depicted below, it is observed that agree is choice of the maximum respondents with the help of 34% of the respondents. On the other hand, neutral is selected by 18% of the respondents only. Strongly agree and strongly disagree is selected b 16% and 12% of the respondents respectively. Apart from that, disagree is selected by 20% of the respondents only.
Companies operating on global platform have to gather knowledge on large basis where adequate information and competencies can be utilised in development of the organisation. Dealing with various nations helps in gathering information on larger scale that later on brings a developed structure in the production process. Each nation has different form of marketing and production process that is ideally characterised with studies and research, helping organisations in better implementation of the strategies. Globalisation is aimed by every organisation as it has the ability of bringing positive alterations and providing larger target market. However, in lack of innovation, organisation is unable to gather the competencies and information required for better adoption of the most aligned strategy. Dealing in a different nation need to have aggressive market knowledge so that market behaviour along with competitors’ analysis can be gathered adequately. Innovation process on a global platform helps in bringing standardisation that is crucial in satisfying customers on global level. Each nation has different organisational and economical policies that help in gaining better level of market knowledge and information. Innovation process also helps in analysing the market and accordingly brings better adoption of the global activities helpful in bringing a competitive edge to the market.
Q8) What are the limitations observed in implementation of innovative strategies within UK market?
Table 10: Limitations observed in implementation of innovative strategies within UK market
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Employees’ Resistance |
14 |
50 |
28% |
Cost of the Equipments |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Lack of Technical Knowledge |
12 |
50 |
24% |
Lack of Competent Leaders |
8 |
50 |
16% |
Others |
6 |
50 |
12% |
Findings and Analysis:
In the table, it is cited that employees’ resistance is selected by 28% of the respondents, whereas lack of technical knowledge is opted by 24% of the respondents. Cost of the equipments and lack of competent leaders is selected by 16% of the respondents. On the other hand, cost of the equipments is choice of 20% of the respondents. However, 12% the respondents selected others.
Based on the viewpoints of the employees, the application of innovation is also comprised of certain limitations that restrict the application of innovative strategies within the firm. UK market is growing competitive that is leveraging the impact over production level. However, due to set of parameters such as employees’ resistance and cost of the equipments, application of innovative strategies faces challenges. Employees might not be satisfied with frequent changing techniques that create a scenario where employee satisfaction goes down and further impacts organisational activities in negative manner.
Q9) What are the positive impacts of innovation in the project management technique?
Table 11: Positive impacts of innovation in the project management technique
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Company’s Sustainability |
13 |
50 |
26% |
Employees’ Development |
7 |
50 |
14% |
Improved Product’s Quality |
15 |
50 |
30% |
Better Customisation |
11 |
50 |
22% |
Others |
4 |
50 |
08% |
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