Findings and Analysis
According to the above table, improved product’s quality was selected by 30% of the respondents while 26% of the respondents opted for company’s sustainability. Better customisation and employees’ development is choice of 22% and 14% of the respondents respectively. Finally, others are opted by 8% of the participants only.
Various kinds of positive impacts can be gained due to application of the innovative strategies in the project management. Product’s quality is essentially gained via application of innovativeness that helps in understanding the demand of the customers in a more determined manner. Due to involvement of better and improved processes, employees are able to gain much efficiency in adoption of the latest and best organisational and operational activities. However, improved level of business activities is obtained with the involvement of innovative strategies helping in marketing benchmarking process to ideally uplift quality of business activities and product’s quality. Innovative project management supports concept of adequate market research that also helps in dealing with better adaptation of customer-centric theme leading to customisation and satisfying customers with effectiveness.
Q10) How far you agree that innovation in the project management technique has scope of trending organisation?
Options |
No of respondents |
Total respondents |
Response % |
Strongly agree |
10 |
50 |
20% |
Agree |
18 |
50 |
36% |
Neutral |
13 |
50 |
26% |
Disagree |
5 |
50 |
10% |
Strongly Disagree |
4 |
50 |
08% |
Findings and Analysis:
According to the above-mentioned table, 36% of the respondents went with the option agree while 20% of the respondents selected strongly agree. Disagree and strongly disagree, as parameters were choice of 10% and 8% respectively. Around 26% of the respondents favoured the remaining neutral.
Innovative strategies helps in increasing the potential level of an organisation that on a future scope also helps in uplifting the process of organisational processes. Project managers under the light of innovative strategies have the potentiality of increasing the production level with much effect. In future, organisations opting for innovation in the manufacturing department bring better level of production system. Improved level of production is the core aim of innovation as it seeks integration of creativity and technical equipments helping in enhancing production level. Employees working under a project needs to have better knowledge and information so that innovation level can be adopted with much efficiency.
On the other hand, other set of respondents, are not sure enough about the potentiality of the innovation in the project management. Project management helps an organisation in focussing on the positive impacts and provides a thorough study on the negative factors existent within the organisation. Application of innovation also instils better quality of production system enabling improved product quality. Companies by highlighting the product quality aim to attract new customers and make efforts of retaining the old ones.
This section will describe the viewpoints of the managers from various UK firms and will accordingly be accountable for sharing information related to innovation process in the project management department.
Q1) How innovation strategies are helping project managers in bringing synchronised project management?
According to first and fourth manager, innovative strategies are vital for shaping process of production system that eventually marks a great importance in providing a synchronised form of management process. With the help of synchronised format, project managers are easily able to access the work activities and accordingly status of the work is identified. However, second and fifth managers believed that project management at times faces issues in appropriate structuring of the innovation strategies as selection of the most crucial one is quite complex in nature. Organisations understand the importance of innovation strategies in the competitive environment; however, gaining complete synchronised structure is not an easy task for project managers due to various forms of behaviours. Moreover, third manager shared his believe by stating that role of innovation in project management is helpful in accessing the work activities according to the strategic needs that also ensures better satisfaction of the customers. Products or services are rendered by organisation as and when required that brings better alignment of customers’ preferences and describes service quality of high level for the concerned organisation. Synchronisation via innovation strategies as far as project management is considered is achievable, yet a lot is remaining to be achieved.
Q2) What is the positive impacts of innovation in application process as far as project management process is concerned?
Application process in any organisation plays an important role. According to first and third manager, innovation in application process is the foremost important strategy to manage a project successfully. Any innovation strategy to be fruitful needs right and innovative application process different from the previous one. By changing, the process and implementing new and advanced process can minimise the cost to organization giving a positive return. Innovation in application process is mandatory for any organisation to survive and compete in the market. In view of second and fifth manager, the process of innovation in application process is fairly complex and it can be quite difficult to apply the innovation process to change the organisation. The complexity of the innovation process can be minimized by adopting alternate and simple methods for developing a product. The fourth manager being negative to innovate application process gives his view in support of old processes to implement innovative ideas. Being inflexible, any change of application process may downturn the organisation in terms of production. Employees are well equipped with the traditional process and emergence of new process will hamper their performance effecting the organisation. Thus in view of above comments, innovation in application process has become mandatory for any organisation to survive.
Q3) How you identify the areas requiring need of innovation during the process of project management?
Any organisation goes for innovation once the areas required innovation are identified. The difficulty in this stage is that the organisation does not have a crystal ball to see in the future and therefore cannot know for which innovation will be winner or loser. In view of first, third and fifth manager, the initial survey of existing process of the organisation can reveal the areas which needs innovation. There are two kinds of organisation; first have one set of human resources policies for areas whose contribution to the company’s success requires a high degree of innovative output, and another set of policies for areas whose contribution is to get the most out of things that the company already excels effectively. Second and fourth manager thinking out of the box points of many innovative strategies to reveal the areas requiring innovative plans. Benchmarking, comparative analysis, are some of the strategies which can match up the needs of the customer and working culture. The study found that most companies need to mix innovation-oriented policies with conservative policies, depending on the needs of each area, and that the secret lies in combining these two approaches to form a successful organisation.
Q4) What are the possible challenges faced by project management during the implementation of innovation strategies?
Indifferent, hostility, isolation are among the major obstacles to a healthy innovation environment- in view of third, fourth and fifth manager. In most companies, just about all the cards are stacked against the nurturing of innovation, especially the kinds of new ideas and disruptive innovations that generally lead to major changes in the marketplace and within the business. Fostering innovation is very hard, especially if the innovation is disruptive in nature. Hostile behaviour is hugely detrimental to a healthy innovation environment. In view of first and second manager, innovators face problems and challenges mainly in the areas of financial assistance and marketing of the innovation. Securing the right kind of finance is a key to delivering innovation. Prevailing asymmetry between inventors and investors is required to be bridged. Innovations that fail are often potentially good ideas but have been rejected or postponed due to budgetary constraints, lack of skills or poor fit with current goals. Companies that are serious about innovation do everything possible to break down silos and encourage communication and collaboration across the organization and beyond. Gaining full benefits of innovation requires an effective and efficient framework across a wide range of policy areas, calling for an integrated approach and cooperation between business, employer and employee.
Q5) What are the future potentialities involved in the innovation of project management process?
Procurement of risk factor is supported via application of innovation as it helps in studying the latest and updated market and accordingly strategies are applied. In the view of fourth and fifth manager, risk assessment is improved and reviewed on a regular basis that helps in realising the areas having the potentialities of locating the areas with challenges and barriers. Project management need to be guided under innovative strategies so that completion of the undersigned task that is production system is achieved with best quality so that long run process can help in bringing string market hold for the concerned organisation. According to second manager, innovation helps in promoting creativity at the work place. Various approaches of handling a project is entertained that also helps in selecting the best from the alternatives, while the creative people are recognised and appreciated that also provides employee satisfaction. Lastly, first and third manager recommends bright future for application of innovation in project management department as the current trend of handling competition is innovation that is altering business activities in favour of the market and economic climate. Sustainability of the organisation in the light of innovation and project management is desirable as it helps in bringing much effective project management process.
Incepts gained via employees and managers of UK firms describes the contemporary issues that is shaping process of innovation strategies in both positive and negative manner. Project management under influence of innovative process is bringing alternations in the production system. These alterations are designed according to the needs of the organisations and are having improved changes helping organisation in better production level as well. Depending on the viewpoints of the employees, positive impact of innovation strategy is obtained that is helpful in better understanding of the topic. Apart from that, managers showed the areas where challenges are persistent and continuous efforts of reducing the barriers are adopted.
Operational activities of management are helpfully supported by innovation where the process is applied to increase the quality of production. In the concerned research process, the respondents shared positive as well as negative factors that are affecting the implementation process of the innovation process. Depending on the feedback of managers, the researcher tried to understand the process of implementation as cited in the project management and innovation strategies. However, loopholes as cited in the analysis section will help the researcher in listing key recommendations in the later chapter and accordingly will help in penetrating inner level of the concerned topic.
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Management of projects is a very important and an essential part in every business sector in facilitating the innovations which will help the organisation to meet up the requirements of the final consumers. The organisations are realizing the importance and the high potential that may happen due to innovations or modernizations, which delivers game changing benefits to the organisations. Though of most of the corporate industries are still struggling with the concept, that how they should establish a systematic approach to innovation. A key issue with innovation is that it appears to be an ad-hoc process. However, for successful companies there are processes that provide a structure and methodology to guide invention to innovation. Good processes ensure that a company is doing the right things in the right way with efficiency. It ensures that organizations are focusing on innovation, consciously managing resources, making timely decisions, and balancing current needs with future goals. The vast amount of literature that addresses the increasing significance of innovation is observed. It is essential for the managers wanting to improve innovation performance to not just blindly apply the thought technique that they encounter or think to be as a change/innovation, or methods, which have been successfully adopted by their competitors.
Teamwork is an effective vehicle in driving innovation in managing the projects. Thus, there is a need for an enterprise to understand the risks involved in carrying out projects or activities, which will enable them to manage it in order to overcome the challenges of managing projects in a dynamic and changing environment. A technology infrastructure can help in supporting both human interaction and processes management to increase speed in their innovation from corner to corner of the organization. Technology can aid global teams to come up with all together, to identify expertise across the organization, and allow collaborative work on projects. New levels of collaboration within an enterprise and across multiple partners are now possible. Technology can facilitate the innovation process by integrating project management, portfolio management, and idea management. This helps to pick up the pace of innovation projects and allows management to focus on more value-added activities. Tools related to knowledge sharing allow access to global knowledge and information, ensuring that teams are not reinventing the wheel and are instead working on truly innovative activities. The solution for innovation takes into account the people, processes, technology aspects, and the related factors.
Linking with the objectives is a section that helps in determining success or failure of the concerned research work and according to the research topic, findings are analysed so that reason for success or failure of the project can determined.
Linking Objective 1: To observe the impact of innovation in a production system of an organisation
Numerous experimental studies have long established that there are many positive and many negative impacts of production planning in an organisation. The focus tends to be either on R&D driven techno-logical innovation on the one hand, or on organisational changes complemented by ICT on the other. Production systems of UK firms, as described in Part A, Table 6, organisations are observing many issues that can be solved with the help of innovation that tries to instil strategies according to the nature of problem existent in the organisation.
An organisation with the help of innovation gathers information that can help in bringing growth to the organisation, as analysed in Part A, Table 7. Employees with the application of innovation in project department gets better capability of gaining improved competencies and market information. Innovation as a process improves the organisational activities that also leads to bringing satisfaction within employees and helps in retaining them. Apart from that, standardisation is yet another impact of innovation that marks the areas of improvement and ideally brings positive results in the organisation.
Linking Objective 2: To critically evaluate the areas where innovation can help in bringing positive changes in operational activities of UK companies
Operational activities of UK firms are composed of numerous activities that in an integrated manner bring synchronised form of study if applied and processed properly. UK companies are growing competitive that is increasing the demand of improved operational activities in the internal environment of the organisation. With the help of innovative strategies, the researcher will help in leveraging standardisation process, further helpful in increasing the quality of products or services or the concerned organisation. Innovation in the organisational context helps in promoting creativity so that better and useful alternatives can be selected with focus on achieving sustainability in the market. As cited in Part A, Table 10, analysis regarding positive changes of innovation is concern to project management is highlighted. With the help of this observation, further in Part A, Table 5, the response for positive changes in an organisation is recorded via employees’ perspectives. Based on managers, Part B, Question 2, managers are citing positive factors that are helping in increasing the quality of the research work.
Linking Objective 3: To examine the innovation strategies and its role in project management techniques
Innovation strategies such as thinking out of the box (Part B, Question 3) helps project managers in better understanding of the concepts and ideally describes the most suitable management techniques as per requirements of the organisation. Innovation strategies are having the potentiality of increasing growth of the organisation with the help of improved performances.
Linking Objective 4: To address the challenges in implementation of the innovative strategies and project management of UK companies
Process of innovation strategy faces various barriers that restrict quality of project management and do not allow full exploration of the particular strategy. Amidst group of employees, warm welcome to change might not be favourable as they will resist to change and a chaotic environment will be created effecting implementation in negative manner. Besides that, lack of technical knowledge is another crucial drawback that hinders the process of innovation within the operational framework of the organisation. Cost involved in innovation process is also reason for being avoided within many organisations.
Linking Objective 5: To analyse the scope of improved project management system within an organisation
Improved structure of management system is ideal to have better application of innovation in future. Depending on the result analysis, 20% and 36% of the respondents are in favour for having the future potentialities for study of the project management system. Application of improved project management system will help in observing much positive responses and will accordingly increase the quality of research and strategic planning involved in the process along with the innovative ideas and creativity promotion.
According to the research materials gained via study of the research study, the researcher will try to list the areas that can help in locating the issues in a much detailed manner. As information gathered from the study, the researcher will try to list the recommendations so that more focus on innovative strategic implementation in project management can be given.
The above-listed recommendation might be useful for UK manufacturing to have better implication of innovation management with respect to project management process. The recommended activities can help in overcoming the loopholes as observed during the study can be helpful in determining better application of the concerned prices within selected list of companies.
Project management is the selected topic in this dissertation study that helped in highlighting the areas where possible scope of innovation process can be addressed. However, in existence of few limitations, quality of research process was having few areas that can be worked upon in the later study work. In the particular study, lack of a concentrated study was lacking where a specific company for study was not observed. A particular firm and its process of production could have helped in increasing the quality of the study, as a practical observation could have been more précised and specific. Study of a company with respect to studying impact of innovation in project management section will be of much use, as it will derive much quality on research work.
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A list of Questionnaire: For Employees of UK Manufacturing Companies
Age: Location:
Contact No. Email ID:
Q1) How far you agree that project management in an organisation needs strategic implementation of tools to enhance production?
Q2) Being employee of a manufacturing firm, how far project managers are successful in motivating you?
Q3) How far you agree that innovation is helpful in contemporary environment of organisations?
Q4) How far you agree that innovation brings positive changes in production system?
Q5) How far you satisfied that innovation strategies help in better synchronisation of the production process?
Q6) How far are you satisfied with technological innovation in production management techniques?
Q7) How far you agree that innovation strategies helps in solving global competition and issues?
Q8) What are the limitations observed in implementation of innovative strategies within UK market?
Q9) What are the positive impacts of innovation in the project management technique?
Q10) How far you agree that innovation in the project management technique has scope of trending organisation?
A list of Questionnaire: For Managers of UK Manufacturing Companies
Age: Location:
Contact No. Email ID:
Q1) How innovation strategies are helping project managers in bringing synchronised project management?
Q2) What is the positive impacts of innovation in application process as far as project management process is concerned?
Q3) How you identify the areas requiring need of innovation during the process of project management?
Q4) What are the possible challenges faced by project management during the implementation of innovation strategies?
Q5) What are the future potentialities involved in the inoovation of project management process?
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