Earth Science can be defined as the study of the properties of Earth along with all the processes which takes place on Earth. Based on this study the structure of Earth and the biological evolution which took place over the years are studied in Earth Science courses. This course is much helpful in getting the life support and the processes which helps in understanding the behaviour of the materials which exists on the surface of Earth. Both the chemical as well as the physical constitution of Earth can be studied from this course. This course can help in addressing major environmental concerns such as global warming. The course also puts light on the study of this planet with the rest of the universe. There are three major branches which are associated to Earth Science as well, such as astronomy, meteorology, and oceanology.
Submit Your RequirementsThe population of the world is always expanding; however, we have very limited natural resources to fulfill the expectation of the world population. Hence, it is much significant to study atmospheric science, hydrologic, geologic nature of Earth, so that we can address some of the concerns involving them and plan accordingly. It can be said that studying Earth Science can be much helpful for maintenance of life on Earth. Incorrect mining practices can be identified in the first place using this study as well. We need to study Earth science to gather insight knowledge of the geological environment. Improper waste management techniques can also be identified in the first place by studying Earth science. Most of the major changes in the global environmental conditions can be studied in a rational manner by studying Earth science. Studying this subject can be much helpful to understand the concepts of continental hydrology. Hence it can be understood that studying this subject can be much helpful for addressing the basic concerns of Earth.
Loss from the natural hazards which takes place on Earth can be minimised in the first place if Earth science is studied effectively. Threat coming from different categories of pollution can also be restricted if Earth science is studied. Scientific understanding of the phenomenon and the materials is possible with the conduction of a research about Earth science. It can also help in comprehending the process which exists across diverse atmospheric levels such as hydrosphere, biosphere, stratosphere, and atmosphere. It can also be said that the chemical composition of Earth’s crust can also be studied with this concept, as a result of the natural disasters can be anticipated using this research as well.
The four fundamental areas of Earth science are Geology, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Astronomy. These are the four fundamental areas of this subject which are usually studied by the scientists. Geology is defined as the study of the process, structures, dynamics, evolution of Earth and its energy resources. Geology revolves around the study of process which existed on Earth for the last 4500 million year. Rock records are studied by the geology researchers to know more about the evolution of Earth, the current and the future needs of our society is highly prioritised in our society. The study of atmosphere and the diverse categories of processes which takes place in the atmosphere which helps in shaping Earth’s weather and climate. This study is very much concerned about the climatic conditions of Earth. Both atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics are studied in the first place using meteorology. This study focuses hugely on weather forecasting and the interaction of the oceans with the atmosphere of the Earth. Whereas, the study of the biological features, chemical features, and the physical features of the ocean can be defined as oceanography. This study is much helpful to know about the evolution of the ocean, along with its current condition. Most of the future predictions associated to each ocean can be understood from this study as well. This study can also help in the interaction process of ocean’s plants and animals with the marine environment. Formation of the seafloor can be studied in the first place from this study as well. On the other hand, Astronomy is defined as the study of universe, it helps in getting wide range of information associated to Earth’s materials and the processes. History to understand other planets can also be reviewed using astronomy. Insight knowledge of stars, moon, galaxies as well as comets can also be identified in the first place from this study.
Order NowEarth Sscience is the broader version of geography. Earth Science have numerous sub categories such as hydrology, geology and glaciology on the other hand, the sub categories of geography include volcanology, archaeology, and climatology. Geography is defined as the science of space and place and Earth Science is much beyond things which exists only on Earth. The prime point of difference between geography and Earth Science is that geography is mainly associated to the materials which are only found on the Earth’s surface and Earth Science helps in comprehending things which are found both in Earth’s crust as well as in Oceans and Atmospheres. Hence, it can be understood that Earth Science and geography is not same.
The scientific study of the structure, history and origin of Earth can be defined as Geology on the other hand, Earth Science is a broad field of study which deals with the biotic evolution of Earth. Geology, Geochemistry, and Geo physics are the components of Earth Science. Geology deals with mountains minerals, maps, and rocks, on the other hand, Earth Science deals with food, palaeontology, pollution, climatic change, plates and habitats. Entire dynamics of the Earth can be studied in effective modus using Earth Science, on the other hand, geology is much helpful to deal with the substance and the physical structure of earth. Hence, it can be understood that geology and earth science are much different from each other. in Electronic...
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