Dual economy concerns two separate economic systems that exist within one country, but two separate economic systems are not merged but divided different levels of development, technology and different patterns of demand. In dual economy the existence of both primitive technology and advanced technology can be seen .In dual the existence of both primitive technology and advanced technology can be seen.
Books on Dual economy Book 1 – Migration , Human Capital, and Poverty in a Dual-Economy of a Developing Country By Paul R. Masson 1 ( published by International Monetary Fund, 2001)
Sector Growth and the Dual Economy Model By Niels-Hugo Blunch, Dorte Verner (published by World Bank Publications, 1999)
For example, modern plantation system or other commercial agricultural systems are still operated by traditional cropping system.
In most developing countries, where advanced technology is implemented to extract minerals or in the manufacturing process, but it is also true that large parts of the country is still in subsistence level.
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