Feminism is regarded as the belief in the ideas of equality of all sexes with regards to political, economic, and social rights. The idea of feminism originally originated in the West but later on, the concept got manifested worldwide across several nations and is currently being represented by several institutions around the globe who are committed to the activity of upholding and protecting the rights and interests of women with pride. The idea of feminism has its root cause in the entire history of mankind. In western countries, the women got confined into domestic spheres of life, while the public life was mostly kept reserved for men. During the medieval era in Europe, women were denied their legitimate rights towards inheriting parental properties or buying a new property, receiving education, or participating in any form of public life. In France, till the late nineteenth century, women were compelled to cover their heads in public, and in parts of Germany, the husbands have the right to sell their wives. Throughout Europe and United States in the early twentieth century, women did not have the right to vote or hold electoral office. In other parts of the world, the condition was no better if not worse. All of this oppression and certain revolutionary minds took a step towards fighting for the rights of women. The step is taken such that the women can survive with dignity and can have their rights.
Feminists are the ones who are responsible for fighting for the rights of women. Such that they can get equality within the society. They aim to provide justice to the women present in society such that they can have a better life. Feminists are often misinterpreted as a group of man-hating females. In fact, these are the people who respect the power of men and women and believe in the fact that they are capable of performing all the duties equally. Feminists are the ones who support feminism and fight for the ones who are deprived of their legal rights, or racism because of their sex. To date, there are areas where women are deprived of educational rights. In some areas of the countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and others, women are restricted at home. Feminists are activists who try to improve the conditions of women in society, such that they have equal rights as that of men.
In the 21st century, where the majority of the countries have improved the condition and involvement of women in the society and business sectors, there is still imparity when it comes to the wages provided to women in comparison to that of men holding similar positions in the same organization. feminists fight for ending this disparity among men and women in society such that they can lead competent life with all their rights provided to them. It is the job of the feminists to perform organized activities on behalf of women's rights and interests.
Cultural feminism is defined as the views which portray and describe the nature and essence of a female. It is an attempt that redefines, revaluates, and challenges the attributes which are ascribed to a female or to female-less in general. The notion also challenges the theories which describe or add innate between a man and a woman. Cultural feminism was created due to a divergence from radical feminism when few feminists rejected the ideas of patriarchal notions and also that of some previous feminists which they believed had made the feminine traits undesirable. These cultural feminists returned to the views of gender differences, and in that regard considers female traits to be superior. “Cultural feminist theory appeared in the 1970s to explain how male-defined constructions of “woman” devalue female traits.” Mainly cultural feminism is an attribute to the distinctive differences or essential differences between men and women, with regards to their biology and reproductive capacity. They consider these attributes to be a superior virtue for women. They believe that such virtue and differences are not biological or genetic in nature but are rather cultural and these virtues are so ingrained in our culture that they are persistent. They support a shared women's culture and consider these virtues of women to be more precious than those of men.
Culture comprises the beliefs, actions, objects, and other features which are common to the members of a particular group or a society. When it comes to the rights of women within society, it is often compromised, based on the cultural epithets of the society. Feminists aim at combating these aspects of society such that equal rights can be established among the people, that is, both men and women are treated in the same way. Feminism not only supports women's rights; it also fights for injustices that are done to the society which is inclined toward men mostly. They ensure that each and every individual in the society has their piece of share, whether it is of the rights, or pay scale, or property assets, such that equality is maintained in all aspects.
One of the greatest examples of feminism is Suffragettes. These are the ones who fought for the voting rights of women. Another example is the one where women fight for the same wages as the women.
Feminism is regarded as the belief in the ideas of equality of all sexes with regards to political, economic, and social rights. The idea of feminism originally originated in the West but later on, the concept got manifested worldwide across several nations and is currently being represented by several institutions around the globe who are committed to the activity of upholding and protecting the rights and interests of women with pride. The idea of feminism has its root cause in the entire history of mankind.
Feminists are the ones who are responsible for fighting for the rights of women. Such that they can get equality within the society. Feminists are often misinterpreted as a group of man-hating females.
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