A person or individual who works for a particular business and pretends not to be a part of the business acts as a major reliable source is termed as a shill. The concept of shill marketing is termed as the act based on using the shill in order to convince the consumers that the products offered by the company are worth purchasing. The practice or concept of shill marketing is however sometimes considered to be illegal in nature and the individuals who practice this concept are termed to be dishonest in nature. The customers who are able to discover that they are targeted with the help of shill marketing can also feel highly cheated by the organization. The concept based on shill marketing is considered to be quite simple in nature and the individuals can become much more comfortable with the services or products if they are able to get information based on the experience of customers who have already used these products. The workers or employees are mainly employed by an organization in order to perform the shill marketing related activities. The internet has also been able to provide a major platform for the ways by which shill marketing activities are performed in an effective manner.
The negotiation styles are able to play a major role in the shill marketing related aspects and activities that are performed by the employees who are provided with this responsibility by different organizations. The negotiation styles of people can differ with respect to the various social motives that are related to the marketing and promotions of different modern organizations. The four major types of negotiation styles that are used by the organizations in order to implement shill marketing include, individualists, co-operators, competitive and altruists. The Co-operators and individualists are two major types of negotiation styles that are used for the proper implementation of shill marketing. The workers who are employed by the organizations in order to conduct the shill marketing activities also need to implement specific negotiation styles in an effective manner. The proper negotiation is considered to be an important aspect of the success that has been gained with the help of shill marketing.
The conniving or conspiring based roots of shill marketing are able to play a major role in supporting the organization to gain major levels of information based on the consumers. The levels of secrecy related to the implementation of shill marketing are considered to be quite high and sometimes these activities are also termed as highly illegal in nature. The conniving shill marketing based activities have been able to play a major role in the ways by which workers are able to fulfill their responsibilities that are provided to them by the organizations. You can understand the conniving roots of shill marketing in order to take into consideration this concept in modern organizations.
A major example of Shill Negotiation Style is the usage of this concept in gambling which can be both legal as well as illegal. The three-card game and shell-game are mainly known for proper employing of the shills. In legal gambling related industry, the legal casinos are known for employing the shills in the position of gamblers who are able to play by using the money of different casinos. Another major example of shill negotiation style is the usage of shills for the purpose of conducting different auctions. The shills who are mainly employed in the auction process are mainly termed as “Potted Plants”. The major job that the shills have the responsibility to improve the price levels of bidding based tussles among the participants. The seller can thereby lose out on auction-based fees due to lack of sales of products that are being auctioned.
The growth strategies that are related to effective marketing activities are considered to be an important factor that is able to affect shill marketing. Shill marketing is also based on the ways by which the growth of organizations can be ensured in an effective manner. The growth that is related to the organization is mainly related to the market of the organization and different products that are offered by organizations as well. Market penetration is a major marketing strategy is related to the increase in sales of the existing products or the services that are a part of the existing market. The customers can be attracted towards the organization with the help of proper market penetration process. Market development is considered to be another growth strategy that is connected in an effective manner with shill marketing activities. The process of market expansion mainly involves the analysis of ways by which existing offers of the company can be provided by the organization to other markets. Product development is also a major growth strategy with respect to the process of shill marketing. The products are offered to the current customers with the help of proper implementation of this strategy. The growth strategy of diversification is also related to the shill marketing process or concept. Shill marketers are able to offer new products to customers in an unknown market.
The negotiation style is considered to be an important aspect that is related to the success that can be gained by shill marketers who are employed by different modern organizations. The five major tips related to negotiation style are as follows,
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