Market Structure is a term of economics that describes or differentiates business firms or their respective industries based on the goods or services that they sell or how the firms get affected by various external factors. The key factors or measures to differentiate the market structure of an industry are market size, degree of product differentiation, degree of the concentration level of difficulty to enter its market, and so on. It is a measure through which businesses and the decision makers get an opportunity to understand the diverse markets. The fundamental components of the market structure are the suppliers and consumers or demanders. In terms of the theories of Market structure, both the parties are equally important and indispensable. Market structure is a key factor in price formation approaches, and as per the principles of Market project structure, suppliers and demanders always intend to maintain equilibrium at a price to be accepted for services and goods. These aspects assess what should be price structure and amount for the goods and the services. The key interrelations that influence the market structure are seller-seller interrelations, buyer-buyer interrelations, and buyer-seller interactions. The key characteristics of these relationships that are considered for determining or defining the market structure are economic and market competition nature.
There are four types of market structures such as monopoly market, oligopoly market, perfect competition, and monopolistic competition.
A perfect competition market structure is the most idealist market structure, where small companies compete in a large number and lack influence over the price structure of the products and the services. In this type of market structure, entering and exiting the market is much easier and resistance-free.
A Monopoly market is one where the entire market is influenced by a single company with zero competition. There are various features that are associated with such a market, such as resource ownerships, licensed products, copyrights and patents, and so on.
An oligopoly market is influenced by a small count of companies, and this small number of players indicates that the competitive strategies of the market players are dependent on each other.
Monopolistic competition is a kind of imperfectly oriented competitive market structure where there are characteristics of both competitive and monopoly markets. Sellers can compete with each other to differentiate their goods or services with branding and quality differences. In such a market, sellers can influence the market price structure and maximize the benefits in the short term. However, in a long-term goal, the differentiation factors and influences get dissolved.
The importance of determining the market structure is that it helps in strategizing decision making, motivation factors, and understanding the key opportunities in the respective market. The key aspects that are going to get differentiated as per the market structure of a particular sector or industry are the availability, variety, and price of the products and product categories. Differentiation of market structure helps in determining the potential threats and opportunities within a market and how a business should adapt to the market factors. There are various aspects associated with this context like competitive advantages, strategic management, product substitutes, market entry strategies, and so on.
The perfect competition market provides minimal resistance to entering business firms, and thus entering the market is easy. The players sell mostly similar or homogenous products, and thus, there is very less scope or incentive for product innovation. In such a market structure, it is not possible to influence the price structures or policies, and any increase in price structure would cause businesses to lose their customers. Therefore, any innovation that causes a rise in product cost would unnecessarily decrease profit.
In a monopoly market, the dominant player is the sole seller and is protected by resource ownerships, copyrights or patents, government policies or licenses or high capital costs. The market entry barriers are very high, and the monopoly player has the power to restrict any new entrant from entering the market.
In an Oligopoly market, the level of seller-seller interaction is very high as there are only a few large players. Any change in the strategic policies and approaches of one player would cause influence the decisions and strategies of others. On the other hand, there are also possibilities that dominant players come to a mutual agreement regarding the strategies.
A monopolistic competitive market, on the other hand, is a market structure where profitability is high on a short-term basis. By introducing an innovative approach, a firm can gain high profit in the short term; however, with time, other players catch up to the competition, and the profitability gets dissolved.
There are various analyzing factors for market structures that are used by decision-makers. One such common measure is the N-firm concentration ratio, which measures the combined share of the N number of largest firms. This indicates the level of dominance and influence of large players on the market. Another critical factor of analysis is the Herfindahl index, which defines the sum of the square of the market shares. An increase in this index indicates an increase in market power and dominance and a decrease in market competition. As the market share is squared, it is more informative than N-firm concentration.
Apparently, perfect competition is the most suitable style of market structure for businesses. However, the scope of growth and incentive for innovation is much less for this kind of market structure. On the other hand, a monopoly market gives greater protection to the dominant player in the market, but it is less incremental for any new player in the market. A monopolistic market provides equal opportunity to market players to introduce innovation and gain sufficient incentive, but the return is short-term. Therefore, an oligopoly market is much incremental for businesses as it provides an opportunity for dominance to a greater number of market players with sufficient long-term benefits for innovation.
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