Imagine you are asked to put together a sociology assignment on social stratification. Now, if you’re not acquainted with this topic, you’ll obviously have difficulty writing the paper. But if you’re reading this, you’re already at the right place.
Social stratification is a rather broad and prominent topic in sociology that anyone pursuing a degree in this subject needs to grasp completely. However, if you have trouble learning this concept, then this elaborate guide will helpful for you. The insights you gain will guide you in the future.
When you take a closer look at the world, and through history, you'll find different stratification systems prevalent. These systems may differ based on the chances of rising up or falling down the stratification ladder.
You’ll probably hear the word “stratification” in geology which inspires the concept of social stratification. The prominent vertical layers found in rock, known as stratification, are a good way to visualize the social structure.
Society’s layers are made of human beings, and society’s resources are disseminated unevenly throughout these layers. The individuals who have more resources are at the top layer of the social structure of stratification. Other groups of people, with progressively fewer resources, represent the bottom layers of society.
The academic experts from are well-versed with the stratification definition. So, if you have a hard time explaining this concept in your assignments, our writers will do that for you.
Sociologists utilize the term social stratification to highlight the system of social standing. Social stratification signifies a society’s categorization of its people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers depending on aspects like income, race, wealth, education, and power.
In every society, people vary from each other based on their age, sex, and personality traits. Human society isn’t homogeneous but rather heterogeneous. Other than the natural differences, human beings are also discriminated against as per socially approved criteria.
Thus, socially discriminated people are treated as unequal from the point of view of enjoyment of social rewards like income, status, power, etc. This is known as social inequality. The term social inequality simply points to the existence of socially created inequalities.
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Let’s explain the use of power as an example. A person gains power through the capacity to exert control over other people. In our modern times, a person gains power by offering others the things they need. A political leader exerts power by supporting an agenda that people are intrigued about. An employer will assume power by offering jobs to people.
As such, an individual's power is tied to his capacity to produce the desired substance, a thing that can't be separated from him.
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The stratification systems differ on their degree of vertical mobility or the scope of rising up or falling down the stratification ladder. In some closed societies, a person has no opportunity to move up or down. But open societies come with more vertical mobility since people can move up or even down.
The caste system indicates that people are born into unequal groups depending on their parents’ status, remain in these groups as long as they live. For years, the caste system has been in South-East Asia and South Africa. People born in the lower castes generally lived through abject poverty.
South Africa used to have a strong caste system. During the time of apartheid, from 1950 to 1990, a small group of white Africans ruled over the country.
Black people consisted of more than three-quarters of the nation’s population and thus greatly outnumbered the white Africans. But they had the worst jobs, Didn’t have the right to vote, and lived in poor, segregated neighborhoods.
Many societies, which include the industrial ones, consist of class systems. In this form of stratification, an individual is born into a social ranking but can move up or down from it easily as compared to slave societies or caste systems. This movement in either direction is the result of the individual’s own effort, knowledge, and skills or lack of them.
Even though these attributes don’t help with upward movement in caste or slave societies, they often do ensure upward movement in class societies. Of all the forms of stratification, class systems are possibly the most open, which means they have the most vertical mobility.
Sociologists believe such systems rely on three dimensions of stratification: class (represented by wealth), prestige, and power. Wealth highlights the total value of a family or an individual, including stocks, bonds, income, real estate, and other assets.
Slavery or the ownership of people is the most closed system, which has been quite common in human history. Slavery is reported to have begun 10,000 years ago, after the development of agricultural societies, as people belonging to these societies made the prisoners of war work on their farms.
Many of the ancient territories of the Middle East, which include Egypt, Babylonia, and Persia, also owned slaves, and so did ancient India and China. Slavery particularly flourished in ancient Rome and Greece, which used thousands of slaves for their trade economies. Most slaves in ancient times were debtors or prisoners of war.
Slavery regained its popularity after Europeans began exploring the Western Hemisphere in the 1500s. Spanish and Portuguese colonists who settled in Caribbean islands and Brazil made slaves of thousands of Indians living there.
Estate systems are distinguished by control of land and were prevalent in Asia and Europe during the Middle Ages and into the 1800s. As per this system, two major estates existed: the peasantry or serfs and the landed gentry or nobility.
The landed gentry possessed huge expanses of land on which serfs worked. The serfs had more freedom than slaves had but essentially lived in poverty and were subject to arbitrary control by the sections of the nobility.
Estate systems existed in Europe until the French Revolution in 1789 overturned the prevailing order and influenced people in other nations with its message for equality and freedom. As time passed, European estate systems steadily gave way to class systems of stratification.
If you have any confusion over the type of social stratification, then you should consider opting for the assignment services of You’ll receive good grades along with complete clarity on this topic.
Economic strata have been prevalent in every society. Karl Marx, in his materialistic philosophy, had emphasized the economic analysis of strata, but in place of strata, he uses the term class. These economic classes, as per Marx, are the actual representatives of social stratification.
Class is one of the essential factors for social stratification. But many sociologists believe stratification not only depends on economic condition but it’s also associated with non-economic factors.
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