Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding
A critical knowledge and understanding of counselling and psychotherapeutic context specific models and theories.
Demonstrate the following skills and abilities
To be able to apply relevant methods, techniques and skills in counselling and psychotherapy with specific regard to specific problems.
In order to pass Assessment 3 you will need to:
? Describe and critically discuss key concepts and issues in the given field
? Identify and describe psychotherapeutic models and theories
This assessment requires students to sit a 2 hour written exam which will assess their knowledge and understanding of the course. Students are required to answer 2 essay-based questions from a choice of 5.
This exam aims to assess your knowledge, comprehension and argument skills relating to all the content which has been covered in the unit.
Students need to follow a particularly coherent thread of argument throughout including a critical evaluation of the evidence demonstrated in the essay.
Students need to show that they have gained a clear understanding of theory and practice in the field of counseling and psychotherapy. They need to back up their statement with evidence-based material.
The student needs to use different relevant primary and secondary sources to support their argument
Please see below for a detailed breakdown of the marking criteria as well at the end of the assessment brief.
Students need to show that they have gained a clear understanding of theory and practice in the field of counseling and psychotherapy. They need to back up their statement with evidence based material.
The student has to demonstrate that they are able to critically compare and contrast a range of information concerning particular topics within the field of counselling and psychotherapy. They need to show how they can analyze and interpret various theoretical concepts as well as research findings and back up their argument with references to adequate sources. A coherent line of argument is expected throughout.
The student has to follow an essay structure encompassing opening paragraph (introduction), main body (analysis and discussion), and concluding paragraph (conclusion).
The student needs to use different relevant primary and secondary sources to support their argument. No need for reference list included.
Key aspects
General advice
We will dedicate time during the tutorial towards the end of the semester and discuss the exam (assessment 3) in details and address queries in this regard. To further help students, necessary appointments with the unit co-ordinator will be offered.
Staff have office hours to provide students with support and clarification of feedback. If you have queries about the assignments please make use of them. These can be found on the staff tab in BREO.
BREO will be used extensively in this unit. The unit Information Form (UIF), assessment briefs, reading list and lecture/tutorial notes will be available to download from this site.
Extra resources relating to the syllabus will be posted on BREO. Resources will include supplementary reading and web-links, as well as links to search engines (such as Medline) that are used in the field of counselling and psychotherapy.
I will communicate with you on a regular basis through your student e-mail account and BREO announcements so please check this on a regular basis.