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The Concept of E-Environment and its Management Issues in Digital Marketing


E-environment or electronic environment is a new and demanding concept in today’s business era. It refers to the larger context of business which is called the macro environment. It includes political, social, technological, and economic components. This concept offers digital communication and marketing tools that can help organizations to enhance productivity and increase the creation of more competitive advantages. However, it is challenging to explore this concept and use the internet to comply with the market trends. This study is shedding light on the e-environment along with the management issues of digital marketing. The relation of this topic with old existing theories is also being discussed in this report. 

This topic has developed through the understanding of marketers regarding associated benefits. As opined by Angeloska-Dichovska and Mirchevska (2016), the e-environment enhances the capacity of organizations to recognize changing needs of customers and deliver products as well as services accordingly. This concept can also ensure having more loyal customers as the services become more available and customer need-oriented. On the other hand, Okewu et al. (2018) have stated that this concept helps employees to understand their particular roles and responsibilities. It also helps them to improve the quality of their performance. It also improves the performance of the overall business process which leads to increased customer satisfaction levels. It allows customers to get all of the information related to their desired services at any time they wish and they can also purchase products or services online through the system of online payment. On the contrary, Sharma (2015) has stated that the need of investigating the management issues of digital technology is emerging. The issue of releasing the personal information of customers and targeting inappropriate customers can slow the progress of business which may directly impact the major stakeholders.    

The electronic environment system in a business consists of different tools such as social platforms. This includes social networks, websites, microblogs, and other communication tools. The organization’s communication platform is another E-environment tool that includes presentation, image, and animation hosting sites. Communication within a firm is also done through the help of social networks (Janssens, 2017). The business platform of a company also comprises different E-environment tools. This includes E-procurement, software, E-governance, E-commerce, E-training, and strong documents electronically.  This technology helps a company to perform daily tasks effectively and helps to increase its capacity. Particularly small and medium enterprises benefit from this technology. 

Development of the topic

Different technologies and software such as ERP systems are used to manage the day-to-day operations in a business. This software helps a firm in the process of procurement, accounting, managing projects and risks, and different other operations of the supply chain (Š?eulovs, D. and Gaile-Sarkane, 2014). On the other hand, EDI or electronic data interchange is another application that helps to interchange messages between organizations. This platform helps to exchange messages in groups and can be automatically sent and stored in the receiving computer. Communication within an organization is also improved through the help of electronic mail or Email. This application helps to maintain communication processes within an organization and messages can be exchanged with other stakeholders outside the organization such as suppliers. World Wide Web or WWW is an essential technological platform that forms an essential part of the E-environment in a company. It helps to store and disseminate different web pages. Improper knowledge about these tools and platforms creates issues in managing digital marketing. 

E-environment is being used by most small, medium, and large businesses because of its ability to increase ease of delivering services as per diverse needs of customers. Š?eulovs and Gaile-Sarkane (2014) have said that SMEs are focusing on this concept as it is cost and time-efficient. They are able to attract clients towards their business through communicating with the clients. On the other hand, it has become easier to attract clients from all over the world through digital marketing. Large multinational companies are also putting effort to identify and address management issues regarding this. 

The E-environment system is an effective business tool that is used for different purposes in a business organization. This includes elevating the level of communication with both internal and external stakeholders. It is also used as a business tool to manage different essential operations of a firm such as management of information, accounting, procurement, and managing customer relationships (Stige-Skuskovnika et al. 2018). This system is also used to elevate the level of sales that helps to improve the profit level of a company. Thus, it can be said that it is used as a business tool to improve the level of operations and gain effective outcomes. 

The course content elaborates the need of new technologies in business and helps to understand the importance of digital business. In this study, the topic is related to the E-environment system that helps to improve the business performance of a company and helps to streamline the business process. Okewu et al. (2018) mentioned that this system helps to improve the protection of data. Implementing this system in a company helps to ensure the security of data due to different features such as encryption.  The course content helps to understand that implementing new technologies in a company is essential to improve the rate of operation. The topic regarding the E-environment system is related to this concept of course content. Implementation of this system helps to streamline operations and increases transparency. Thus, the rate of error gets decreased and policies are followed effectively while conducting the operations such as procurement or sales. 


The course content also elaborates that implementing new technology in business helps to achieve greater customer satisfaction. Greater accountability can be gained through implementing the E-environment system (Okewu et al. 2018). On the other hand, the digital business also elevates the level of communication with customers that helps to improve their satisfaction. However, Zeeshan and Bashir (2019) mentioned that lack of knowledge about advanced technologies is an issue among staff that creates an impact on the management of digital marketing. This impacts the communication between organizations and customers that impacts their satisfaction rate. Thus, it is essential for the staff to gain proper knowledge about the E-environment tools properly to achieve successful implementation.  The course materials helped to understand that information and communication technologies, especially the internet, have a great impact on digital business. The topic of the E-environment system is based on the internet that is implemented to achieve the digitalization of a business. 

The course also demonstrates the impact of new technologies on essential stakeholders and the creation of new business models. E-environment system helps to improve the communication system effectively and improve the system of procurement and sales. Much transparency can be maintained through implementing E-environment tools such as social internet networks and email (Olalla-Caballero, 2020). This helps to maintain effective relationships with suppliers and fund providers that elevate the level of the supply chain. Additionally, new business models such as selling through e-commerce platforms and websites can be done by implementing the system properly. This helps to improve tracking of the orders effectively and provide information to clients adequately. This helps to decrease the chance of corruption. However, in many cases, it was seen that employees of a company fail to comply with the privacy and data sharing regulations that impact the management of digital marketing properly. Complying with the policies and regulations improperly can impact the trust and loyalty of customers. Upon completion of this topic can help to understand the course content in an in-depth way. Thus, it can be concluded that this topic is related to the course content in several ways. 

Using digital technologies in the business fields are influencing organizations to review old and new emerging theories of management. In other words, the consequences of digital technology are helpful in terms of achieving the benefits mentioned in the management and business theories. For example, system theory is an old theory that influences business owners to accept their business as a system that is running because of the interaction between certain elements (Jenson et al. 2016). Digital technologies create the bridge between the elements and allow them to interact with each other. It helps the management to communicate with other stakeholders including customers, government bodies and employees. Interaction between these stakeholders makes it easier to achieve the business goals while contributing to the development of sustainable business simultaneously. 

Technological platforms and software

On the other hand, the negative impact of bureaucratic management theory on the business can be addressed with the help of digital technology. This theory was developed based on the concept of implementing a hierarchical business structure for a better demonstration of the rules and regulations of each employee (Kitana, 2016). However, in the traditional business system based on this theory, it is difficult for the person in the top most position to monitor the activities of each and every subordinate. Hence, the rate of corruption enhances and the productivity of the organization tends to be declined. Using digital technology can help organizations to monitor and measure the performance of all individuals. Moreover, leaders are getting more power and ease to communicate with their subordinates in order to make them understand their roles and responsibility clearly. In other words, leaders and subordinates are sharing trust-based bonds which are good for excellent teamwork that helps to achieve business goals within the minimum time. 

Besides, the scientific management theory advocates the management practices that support the concepts of training, workplace efficiency and cooperation. This theory has a significant relation with the e-environment. From the entire course, it has been understood that digital technology implementation itself is a complex task. Organizations face challenges to create an e-environment due to a lack of skilled and knowledgeable stakeholders. Scientific management theory can help in this regard (Su, 2017). Training can help stakeholders to gather knowledge about digital technologies and their usages which can enhance individual and overall firm productivity. Workplace efficiency can also be enhanced if employees can learn about digital technologies and use them in an appropriate manner. Besides enhancing efficiency, digital technologies reduce the workload from employees who allow them time to be innovative and creative. As a result, the competitiveness of the concerned organizations gets maintained and it is good for maintaining a good position in the marketplace. 

Moreover, digital technologies are positively related to the three key variables mentioned in the theory of contingency management. The organization size, the leadership, and the employed technology are the three variables that can determine the management and business structure (Okewu et al. 2018). The role of digital technology lies in the variable of employed technology and it also helps leaders to maximize the business size. 


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the E-environment system is effective for both small and large businesses. This helps to improve the operation and consumer satisfaction rate. However, different management issues such as not complying with policies and lack of skill can impact digital business and marketing processes. 
