REQUIREMENTSYou must submit your report using Surrey Learn before the second week of September.The exact deadline will beconfirmed with the assessment team. Then a submission folder will be created in SurreyLearn.Any late submission will be penalizedby the system.10 points will be penalized for each 1 hour late. Everything will be done automatically by the system. For example, if you submit 6 hours late, you will get at most 40 for this course, which means that you fail this course. Please reserve enough time for your submission.You have finished onereport in MANM377: Cases in International Finance. You are asked to extend that reportto complete a more comprehensive essay in this course. You can use the same case materials. For each case, the instructor will provide 3additional questions to be answered in the essay. You must answer these 3 additional questions in the report. The report still has three sections as Introduction, Main Analysis, and Conclusion. You must submitan essay with at least5,000 words in lengthand no more than 6,000 words. The section of Main Analysis should have at least 2,500words. The section of Introduction and Conclusion should have no more than 2,500words. There is no requirement of format. Write the title with your name and ID in the first page. In addition to the case materials, you are required to find at least 8references in the report.Please use Harvard style to cite references. Do not copy and paste a long sentence from references. If you want to use them in the report, you should re-write the points in the references using your own words. The report should have an easy structure to follow. Each report should have the following parts:1.Introduction:you describe the case, highlight the points which are important in your view, summarize your reportin MANM377: Cases in International Financeand summarizeall new questions you want to analyze in your essay.Do not copy and paste your report in MANM377. You shouldrephrase and summarize your report with 2,500 words to fit the introduction part of this new report with 5,000 words.This may lead to a littlehigh repetition rate by Turnitin.Any repetition ratebelow 30% is acceptable.