School of Physics, Engineering and Computer SciencePage 2of 6Assignment Briefing Sheet(2020/21 Academic Year) This Assignment assesses the following module Learning Outcomes(from Definitive Module Document):1.The ethical issues relating to penetration testing and how to incorporate them operationally. 2.A deep and systematic application of the tools, methods and procedures (theoretical and methodological) used within the cyber security arena in the context of a penetration test 3.Work in teams (as leader or member) adapting to changing requirements for effectively communicating the results of a penetration test 4.Critically analyse and evaluate security techniques used to protect complex heterogeneous environments and apply their findings for offering advice regarding solutions to decision makers. 5.Apply advanced and current concepts/issues of computer systems risks, vulnerabilities, threats analysis, and software security in the context of a penetration test6.Use initiative for autonomously conducting and managing a penetration test, within a complex and unpredictable environment, demonstrating a systematic approach of creatively applying knowledge in unfamiliar contexts for solving problems Assignment Brief:Instructions:You are only required to undertake this assignment if you have an FREFC for Assignmen and Assignment 2, i.e. you have not passed both Assignment1 AND Assignment 2.This portfolio has oneindividual Task, i.e.,one that you must complete on your own, and one group Task, which you complete as a group of 3 students.The portfolio will be in the region of 3,000 words.The deadline for this assignment is the24.06.2021.Task 1: Attack Tree Against Web Server(Group work)Task 1is mainly a group exercisewhich is allocated750words. Yourmodule leaderwill allocate you to a group. As a group, you will have to decide on how you will manage this task, what roles you will each have and how you will manage change during the lifecycle of this assignment. The Group Management section of the report is an individual activity and should be treated as confidential information. Each student is expected to report on group management activities, without sharing them with the other group members. Discrepancies between group members will affect the grades. Note that on the field, a customer does not care about problems and issues. The customer will expect a report for his money. In reporting for the Group Management Section, it is important to focus on the solutions your group will implement in order to deliver on time, and not on the problems.You are expected to work togetheras a group of three developan Attack Tree.As we have discussed in Unit 3, an Attack Tree showsdifferent ways in which a system can be attacked. For this task, your target system is a web server. Assume for this task that you have completed your port scanning activities and only one service exists on the system, i.e. port 80 where Apache server executes and presents you will the following login page when you connect to it with your browse