Organisational behaviour refers to study of the human behaviour within organisational settings and it acts as interface in between human behaviour and organisation. It can be said to be directly related to understanding and controlling the human behaviour within the boundaries of contemporary organisations (Wood et al., 2019). It involves systematic study and applying of knowledge regarding how individuals and the groups carry out acts within the organisational settings. It can help in interpreting the relationships in between people and organisation which can help a company in achieving its objectives. Employee motivation refers to energy level and commitment of employees which can help in providing encouragement and increasing efficiency of performance of employees (Breaugh, Ritz & Alfes, 2018). This report throws light on significance of perception and motivation in the contemporary workplace and the effect that it bears for an organisation. This report discusses about the relationship which exists in between attitude, job satisfaction and the employee commitment. This report elaborates on the key issues which leaves an effect on employee motivation and the positive measures that can be implemented that can help in providing motivation to employees.
Significance Of Attitude And Motivation Theories In Management
Mr Simon has carried out continuous service for 12 years as line manager within a retail organisation. He has been considered for promotion however he has been unsuccessful in getting promotion. The candidates who had better formal qualifications when compared to Mr Simon were able to get promotion which have provided discouraged Mr Simon. He has more amount of experience however other candidates were considered since they had better academic qualifications. He has become disillusioned as he has been rejected for promotion for third time and he feels de-valued within the organisation. He feels that he does not have any possibility of advancement in the organisation and he feels that he should leave the organisation (Steijn & Van der Voet, 2019). He is a diligent worker and is greatly regarded by team members however he feels de-motivated as the organisation does not value his skillset and abilities.
Employee perception refers to the process with the help of which an employee interprets the impressions which helps him in giving meaning to the environment (Muchiri, Shahid & Ayoko, 2019). Mr Simon has been continuously rejected for promotion which have left a negative effect on his morale. It will affect his behaviour in the workplace and adversely affect his performance in the organisation. It will bear a negative impact on his beliefs and attitude which will make him resist the changes in the organisation. He has developed a negative attitude and hence he wants to leave the company as he feels that he does not have any scope for professional development in the present organisation. Mr Simon has worked hard in this organisation however dearth of promotional opportunities have adversely affected him and adversely affected his attitude and motivation.
Key Issues
The employee promotion takes place when an employee is transferred from present position to higher hierarchical level in an organisation. The job promotion helps in providing opportunities for the personal growth and it can leave an effect on employee performance and their retention in a company. The dearth of promotional opportunities have cast a negative effect on attitude of Mr Simon and he feels that he does not hold any value for the managers and the organisation. The promotional possibilities have been found to influence behaviour of the individuals within organisation and it stimulates individuals for improving efficiency of their performance in the organisation (Kitchin, 2017). Promotion can act as an inducement for better work performance and it can create satisfaction among the employees of a company. It have been found with the help of research that promotion system helps the companies in matching their need for the competent personnel with desire of workers of applying skills which can bear positive effect on overall performance of a company.
There exists significant co-relation in between advancement opportunities and job satisfaction that is felt by individual workers. David McClelland’s Need theory states that individuals have need for affiliation, power and achievement which can help in determining behaviour of a person and influence his behaviour in the organisational context (James, 2017). The individuals have need for achievement and they want to work hard so that they can fulfil their individual and organisational goals. The people have need of enhancing their self-esteem so that it can drive them and have positive effect on their behaviour in the organisational context (Collins et al., 2020). The justified promotions have been found to utilise the full potential and skills of employees and unjustified and dubious means on the other hand makes the workers look for jobs in the other firms. The employers should be able to understand the concerns and the ideas of the workers about promotion which can help in increasing their loyalty towards the company. The employee promotions can have positive effect on motivation and the engagement of the workers. The employees should be considered for potential advancement within the firm and employers should consider performances of employees in different aspects so that they can move up the organisational hierarchy (Paull & Whitsed, 2018). Promotion can help employees in advancing themselves in the educational front which can help in reducing turnover among employees. It have been found that average employee turnover in United Kingdom is around 15 % however it have been found to vary in between the industries. Highest levels of turnover are manifested in retailing, catering, construction and media industries.
Relationship Between Job Satisfaction, Employee Commitment And Attitude
It have been found that workers who have positive attitude in the workplace can create the way for growth of the company. It can be stated that competency and attitude bear effect on performance of employees which aids them in performing tasks in efficient and effective manner. The employees act as source of earning for an organisation and their commitment towards the work can bear an overall positive effect on performance of workers. The workers who are satisfied with their job are able to deal with customers in perfect manner which helps in increasing the profit level of an organisation. The employees who hold positive attitude towards their organisation feel committed and they feel themselves to be a crucial part of the company (Taylor, 2018). Research has elicited the fact that cognitive dissonance takes place in the event of individuals have inconsistent attitude which gives rise to discomfort among the employees. Attitudes have been found to influence future behaviour of employees which helps in determining their satisfaction and performance level in the company. The employees who are satisfied with the jobs feels involved and they are able to identify themselves psychologically with the job (Odor, 2018). The related job attitude is indicative of perceived organisational support and it is indicative of degree to which the employees believe that their contribution is valued by the company. Research has brought out the fact that people conceive their organisation to be supportive when the rewards are fair and when the employees have a say in the decisions that are made in the company. The positive effect of job satisfaction have been found to reduce absenteeism, employee turnover and the workplace deviance of the employees.
Key Issues Influencing Motivation
The extrinsic motivation is indicative of tangible rewards like pay and fringe benefits and it can act as a source of motivation for workers. The promotional opportunities leaves an effect on employee motivation which in turn leaves an effect on their performance. It have been found that desire for the promotion is strong among the workers as it deals with pay, responsibility and independence among the others. The employees conceive of promotion to be a great achievement and it makes him feel satisfied with their work (De Sousa Sabbagha, Ledimo & Martins, 2018). It have been found that there exists a direct relationship in between employee satisfaction and the motivation. Rewards and the recognition can be held to be crucial aspects which helps in enhancing job satisfaction of employees and it can be said to be directly related to organisational achievement. The trust should be preserved in between managers and employees which can take an organisation ahead in the long run. Mr Simon was held off from the promotional prospect as he did not possess formal qualification like the other candidates. He on the other hand was a hard working worker and lack of professional development have created insecurity in him. The team members have high opinion about him however he feels de-valued under the present circumstances and wants to leave the company as it does not acknowledge his experience, knowledge and efforts (Badubi, 2017).
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs refers to motivation theory which states that categories of the human needs dictate the behaviour of individuals in the organisation (Jungert et al., 2018). An individual has belonging, esteem and the self-actualisation needs which can make him feel satisfied in an organisation. An individual desires respect from other people so that it can make him feel valued and increase proficiency of his performance in the organisation. An individual needs acknowledgement from other people which can help in elevating his confidence level which can make him contribute positively to the organisation. A person has needs of self-actualization and he wants to fulfil his full potential which can increase his commitment level in a company (Varma, 2017). Mr Simon felt disillusioned and dissatisfied as he was not promoted in the third time and made him feel that he was not recognised by managers in the company. The motivational strategies can be used by managers which can increase their desire of performing that can bear positive effect on a company. It can help in providing superior service to the customers and it can prove to be critical in retaining the workforce in the contemporary times. The managers should recognise employees for their hard work which can help in boosting morale of individual employees. The employees should be promoted for exhibiting excellence in terms of their performance which can help in valuing the efforts of workers (Pang & Lu, 2018). The promotion can result in change of duties and it can help in satisfying the self-worth needs that are crucial for performance of employees.
Job promotions furnishes opportunities for personal growth of workers and it has an impact on performance and retention of employees. The managers should be able to understand concerns of employees that can help in increasing loyalty of employees towards the organisation. The employee promotions bears positive impact on motivation that is felt by workers in an organisation. The employee promotion can bring about change in employee duties and it can serve to satisfy self-worth needs of workers. The employees who are working hard and are dedicated towards their work should be appropriately rewarded by manager which can help in elevating morale of the workers. The employees who demonstrate excellence should be promoted that can aid in valuing individual efforts of workers.
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