The Proposal Report is one of the most important deliverables of any project. Its intention is to define the scope, approach and plan of work which must be undertaken for successful completion of the project. It provides a firm foundation for executing the project and acts as a baseline for monitoring and managing progress, thus improves the possibilities of a successful project completion.
A Project Proposal Report should clearly describe the following:
When you are planning to do it
In this section you must:
2.Aims and Objectives
Here, you must identify and explain the scope and overall aims of your project. The Aims should be followed by a list of objectives which should collectively describe what the final deliverables and achievements of the project will be.
This section must include:
When putting together the list of Aims and Objectives, you must start by clearly understanding what is the intention behind the project. The title must represent very clearly the focus of the project (by reading the title, a reader must know clearly what the project is all about).
In order to satisfy the title you must perform several tasks. Split the requirements of the title down to 4 or 5 major tasks. These are your Aims. In order now to satisfy each Aim, several tasks must be performed which once completed will satisfy the requirements of that specific Aim. These are your objectives.
Describe and justify the activities that you plan to carry out and the limits of your project. Note any project specific assumptions and explain the reasons behind them. Also, the functional or academic boundaries of your project must be included. Functional boundaries help define which parts of a problem will be addressed. In order to clarify the scope and boundaries of the project, it may be helpful to list what you will not be covering. Also, any project-specific constraints should be noted for review. Be specific and avoid bland statements that apply to all projects.
In this section you must:
Any specific assumptions (explain the reasons behind them)
Activities to be undertaken: Justification and limitations
Functional and/or academic boundaries
Restrictions that define the project’s limitations
Boundaries, as set by the Aims and Objectives
Events or influences on your project which you perceive to be true without providing any proof that they are actually true.