In preparation for writing your Assignment 1: Comparison Essay please consider the following:
1. Write an essay that contains an introduction, a main body, a conclusion & a full reference list.
2. In the main body of your essay, present an argument to say how the two articles are similar and / or different in terms
Assignment 2 (Reflection) (1000 words)
Write a Reflection Essay on what you have learnt whilst studying the Study Skills module e.g. Harvard referencing, reading strategies, notetaking etc. You may also include things that you have learnt whilst completing your first Study Skills assignment i.e. writing a Comparison essay, e.g. reading an academic article, planning a compare and contrast essay etc
In preparation for writing your Assignment 2: Reflection Essay please consider the following.
Identify what you have learnt from the Study Skills module as a whole and whilst writing Assignment 1:Comparison Essay. In addition to these observations you should consider and write about the implications the skills that you have learnt have for you as a student and also as a future professional.