The following learning outcomes will be assessed by this assignment
1.Demonstrate critical appraisal of the importance of Information Systems at operational, tactical and strategic levels in the context of an organisation.
2.Ability to justify and evaluate design choices for a given scenario.
3.Be able to demonstrate critical awareness of the social, ethical and sustainability issues in the context of design choices for given scenario.
Case Study:
You are working as an IT engineer in one of the software house where you are envolved in end-to-end project delivery which includes requirment gathering and analysis, design, implement and support sofware solutions for client.
Snowwhite laundrette is a growing laundrette business. They have different branches in town. However their current day to day operations are munual which require a good amount of time to get meaningfull data to order new stock. There is no system to inform customers when their cloths are ready to collect, record customer feedback.
Currently the owner of the business has to visit each shop to check sale, purchase and stock level. It is quite resource consuming and getting difficult as the business is expanding. The snowwhite has reached to your company to automate the whole process with a centralised database. Your company assigned you this task to understand the requirement of the client, purpose a design and implement the solution.
As a system designer you have to analyse different systems before you recommend an appropriate solution to Snowwhite. You proposed design should also comply with ethics and sustainablity and offer privacy and security to cusomer data held at company’s server.
Task 1: Information Systems design (1000 words)
Using the provided case study, design an information system from a system analyst’s perspective that includes the following:
1.Critical appraisal of the importance of Information Systems:
a)Importance of information system at operational, tactical and strategic levels in the context of given scenario.
b)Why a web application will suite best for the given company.
Hint: Web application will also reduce cost of development of mobile application and can be used as good on mobile devices as on PCs due to computation power mobile devices have these days.
2.Design an information system to satisfy above scenario
Using the provided case study, develop a solution from a system analyst’s perspective that includes the following:
a)Produce a use case diagram to model the functional requirements from the scenario narrative.
Showing actors and the use cases they perform.
Use inheritance where necessary of both use cases and actors.
Use of includes and extends where necessary.
Use house style model to document one primary use case.
b)Produce a class diagram to model the system structure you propose for your potential solution. Decouple as much as possible with Boundary, Control and Entity classes. This should include:
Detailed classes with all key variables/attributes and datatypes with access modifiers (private, public or protected) clearly shown in adherence to encapsulation principal of OOP.
Procedures or functions with (parameters and their datatypes shown) as well as return type for the class functions. (see diagram example below)
Use of class relationships (e.g. dependency association, aggregation, composition and inheritance).
Task 2: Critical awareness (1000 words)
You are required to write a report that contains a critical discussion, reflection and evaluation.
Given that, please address the following topics in your discussion:
How you can ensure ethics, sustainability, privacy and security while implementing a solution for given scenario.
This is meant to be a critical discussion and not just a description. Your discussion should not be limited only to your scenario, but a discussion of the broader issues involved in the design of your solution such as the functional requirements, use case documentation, the main classes involved in the class diagram and sequence diagram with justification of any important design decisions.