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What are the Disadvantages of Conceptual Framework (CF)?

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Conceptual Framework (CF) is a coherent system of inter-related objectives and fundamentals followed in financial accounting and financial reporting. It leads to consistent standards of accounting and prescribes the scopes and limitations of the same. CF was developed mainly in accounting practices. CF can act as a standard setting procedure and can be used to resolve disputes. CF helps to set the standard to build acceptable practices of preparing and presenting accounting information.

What is meant by a Conceptual Framework of Accounting?

A conceptual framework is a hypothesis of accounting which is developed by a standard setting body. Against this conceptual framework, practical problems can be tested impartially. A conceptual framework can be accurately defined as a set of ideas and objectives which lead to creation of a definite set of rules. In accounting, these rules are inter-connected. A conceptual framework thus sets the standard of accounting practices and core principles.

There are some definite benefits of financial framework for financial reporting which include facilitated discussion of accounting issues and guiding accounting standard setters. There are many advantages of conceptual framework of accounting like increased users confidence and understanding about the financial reporting. Another benefit that conceptual framework brings forth is providing a measure against which some core and specialized accounting can be checked with an objective sense. The conceptual framework of accounting provides all the fundamentals of reason and direction. It also provides the chance of consistent approach in the development of decisions. These decisions are mainly concerning the proper practice of accounting and different methods in assisting the standard of accounting.

Conceptual framework involvement enhances the trustworthiness of financial reporting. It further increases improved communication among accountants and then the standard setting bodies. In short, conceptual framework prescribes the nature, limits of financial accounting and various functions of accounting. It is because of all these benefits that increasing numbers of students are opting to study conceptual framework of accounting. However, students needs to have a thorough knowledge in order to complete assignments and projects. They can take help of academic writers who have thorough knowledge of financial services and can provide assignment help.

These financial services assignment help experts provide well-researched, well-structured, non-plagiarized assignments and dissertations on conceptual framework of accounting.

Accounting Practices in UK and USA

Various countries have their own conceptual framework for their accounting and financial services. In USA, for instance, the idea of CF started in 1940s. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the organization which has created the most advanced CF in the world. In the UK, the Committee on Corporate Report (1975) concluded that all companies must conform to certain a number of specific characteristics of financial accounting. The Dearing Report (1987) and the Solomon’s Report (1988) harped on the importance of following a standard accounting principle for all the companies. Currently, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is UK and Republic of Ireland’s independent regulator responsible for maintaining a standard of accounting practices.

Limitations of Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework definitely sets the standards for accounting practices and principles. There are, however, some limitations:

  • First, it is very difficult to set up. Countries which are rich and developed can have their conceptual framework but poor and developing nations can find it expensive and time consuming
  • Secondly, CFs while providing the standard for accounting practices may lead to rigidity. It may be difficult to bring forward new ideas.
  • Thirdly, conflict may arise between CF and the accounting standards followed prior to the introduction of Conceptual Framework.
  • Finally, Conceptual Framework may not be acceptable to every party. It may only benefit only some interested groups identified as users.

Major Disadvantages of Conceptual Framework of Accounting

The main reasons for improving a conceptual framework is setting new accounting standards. Other than a theoretical framework, it is the primary basis for resolving accounting disputes. Setting conceptual framework is establishing fundamental standard principles. A conceptual framework is all about setting a level of financial accounting. The central idea of conceptual framework deals with fundamental financial reporting issues.

The need for a conceptual framework has developed from the result of the weakness in accounting and faulty setting practice. Individual influences in the standard setting process can make the whole process faulty.

  • A conceptual framework has many benefits, but there are some limitations as well. One of the main weakness is it is very tough to set up. The other factors which can be seen as a restriction of the conceptual framework of accounting are time-consuming. Setting up a conceptual framework is time-consuming and expensive too. Developing countries may not be able to afford to create a conceptual framework of accounting.
  • Conceptual accounting comes with a lot of rigidity. Some features of conceptual framework may not provide much guidance to accounting. The concept of conceptual framework is rigid and encouraging; incorporating new ideas to it are difficult.
  • There is always a conflict between previously developed accounting standards and conceptual framework. Other prior established standards sometimes differ from the basic principles of conceptual framework.
  • The opportunity that a conceptual framework provides may benefit only some of the users. The framework always cannot be workable or acceptable to all parties.

To write quality financial assignments on conceptual framework of accounting, students can easily take help for accounting assignment which provide guidance on writing top quality assignments.

Why do students need help to write on conceptual framework?

Conceptual framework is related to accounting which is a vast disciplinary area and covers multiple topics. Each requires specialized knowledge which may not be readily available to students. Thus, expert help is desirable for students to write on such topics.

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Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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