1.Create your own notes as you review all of the material (slides, videos, podcast and readings) for this topic. Organize your notes into three parts. 1- Causes of the Revolution 2- The Revolutionary War 3- Aftermath/Legacies of the Revolution.
2.Review Slides presentation “The American Revolution”. Watch all embedded videos (Slides 13, 15, 21,25, 26). When you get to Slide 13 Read the Declaration of Independence (attached and answer the 2 guiding questions in your notebooks. This will have info for all three sections.
3.Listen to a podcast from BBC In Our Time: “Thomas Paine’s Common Sense”. This will have info for causes.
4.Read the Atlantic Article “How the Constitution Was Indeed Pro-Slavery”. This will have info for the aftermath.
5.Use the Encyclopedia Britannica “American Revolution” entry to help fill in any gaps in your knowledge. This will have info for all three sections.
Open up “How Revolutionary was the American Revolution?” document. A copy has been made for each student. Read instructions within and complete graphic organizer to summarize your understanding of the American Revolution. Submit by due date.