Economics in the News-Written AssignmentIndividually analyze a news article to explain how the macroeconomics topics covered in this course relate to the current economic situation in Canada. Based on your understanding of the information, you will also identify and explain the impact on individuals and/or businesses. Step-by-step Instructions: 1.Select. Find a recent news article (published within past month) that relates to a topic covered in Chapters 1-14. Examples: international trade policy changes, unemployment rate changes, inflation, GDP.Use only credible news sources such as BNN, CBC, National Post, Globe and Mail, Bloomberg, or magazines such as The Economist or Maclean’s. Do not use blogs.2.Save a copy.Make sure you include a copy of the article in an appendix at the end of your assignment (in case the link gets broken). Also include a link to the article. 3.Summarizethe article. Write a short (4-6) bullet-point summary explaining the key points or arguments of the article. Explain only the main points of the article and make sure theyflow together to summarize the article. 4.Identifythe macroeconomics concepts. List the macroeconomics concept(s) that the article addresses and that you will be analyzing in detail. 5.Analyzethe article. Make the connection between the article and the course theory. Use your textbook to support your explanation of:•what is happening in the situation described in the article, •whythis situation is taking place, and •what you think will happen next. Use the Economics in the Newsfeatures in your textbook as models. Write and/or illustrate with appropriate graphs and economic analysis the key points in the article. Explanations must be typed, graphs can be drawn using a software or hand drawn and inserted as images.6.Describe the impact.Explain how the information in the article and your analysis of the situation is important and relevant to Canadian businesses (i.e. why should anyone care about the information in this article?). You may create a fictitious scenario to illustrate how a business could be affected. 7.Explain your choice of article. Describe why you chose this article. What interested you about the topic? 8.Compile your report. Organize your ideas using headings and subheadings so it is easy to read. 9.Your report should not exceed 4 -6 pages in length(including cover page and references).It should not be shorter than 2 pages. 10.Attach & reference.Include a full copy of the article that you areference section using proper APA citation format. It is assumed that you are using your textbook for each assignment. 11.Submit in D2L Dropbox