In this question, we ask you create a single web page that is completely self-contained (i.e. does not load any external JavaScript files) and retrieve the current local weather using a free online service. There are several free weather service providers available; it's up to you to find one, study its API, figure out what endpoint to use, and write the JavaScript code to retrieve the current weather for Calgary. You will need to figure out how to decode the response from the API, which will most likely be a JSON-encoded object. You should retrieve at least the temperature and a description of the weather (e.g. partially cloudy, sunny, snowing, etc). Your web page should display this information, but does not need to be styled at all (i.e. don't waste time making it pretty, just display the weather by updating HTML DOM elements). Please make sure your HTML page validates through W3C and do not use document.write at all!
Make BVC Sport Club Event Registration page
In this question we ask you to create a user registration web page using REST API approach based on the following case study. There are many students and staff who would like to attend the event prepared by BVC Sport club. In order to register for the event everyone have to provide their ID, Full name, Address, their status as student, staff or volunteer. Based on who they are they have to pay a registration fee. The fee range is as follow, if it is student the fee will be 10$, if it is staff they fee will be 50$ and if it is volunteer the fee will be 0$. When they register on the page they get a confirmation message with the detail information they completed right away. All the users registered using your form should be stored as local file for future use.