CYCD 2000 Diversity and Difference in Child and Youth Care
Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex topic into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of the topic. The purpose of this assignment is to use analysis to break down the topics covered in your assigned textbook readings to help you develop a deeper understanding of the concept of critical social justice and how it relates to your role as a child and youth care worker. The suggested process for approaching this assignment is as follows: a. Review the journal topic and questions so you are familiar with them before you read the assigned chapters. b. Read the assigned chapters and make notes. Your notes might include:
• Answers to the journal questions
• Concepts that you like and want to remember or use in your journal
• Terms or concepts that are unclear and need to be looked up for clarity
• Feelings or thoughts you have while reading the selection
• Quotations and page numbers that you want to cite in your writing
• A short summary of the chapter in your own words Pt
What is necessary in order to minimize the effects of our (discriminatory) actions based on our (prejudiced) ideas about social groups? Topic 3: Length - 2 pages- 150/0 Answer two of the following reflection questions:
1) Why is understanding the difference between oppression and discrimination important in child and youth care?
2) What power do we have as child and youth care practitioners that, when combined with our prejudice or discrimination, results in oppression for a young person? Think of an example.
3) In your own words, explain why there is no such thing as reverse oppression: i.e., no reverse racism or reverse sexism.
4) Does privilege mean that people don't work hard or face difficulties? Why or why not?
5) Why is it important for child and youth care workers to examine and be aware of our privilege? What is challenging for you about this?