LIBS1520- Introduction to Social Sciences Political Science Assignment: 20% Instructions: For this assignment you can use the issue/example you posted in the political science discussion board or you can use a different item, if you wish, or you can use someone else's item that was posted in the discussion. You should refer back to the posted Power Points and items discussed in the political science module as well as utilize outside sources to help construct your answers. In addition, some questions contain websites for you to review to help you form your answers. Word count: Maximum 1000 words Your assignment must: Use APA format Include in text citations Include a reference list at the end Demonstrate academic honesty and integrity (not plagiarized) Be submitted to the eConestoga appropriate assignment folder Please answer the questions below based on the item you have selected, and include a link to your issue/news item where appropriate.
1. Consider the item that you selected for this assignment and the discussion. Why did you pick it? What appealed to you about this? Sometimes we pick items because they reflect our own experiences or it ignites a sense of (in) justice etc. Reflect on your reasons for selecting this item (beyond simply being interested dig deeper – why is interesting to you?) How does this reflect your views? Your experiences?
2. What Canadian political party would best support your personal view about this topic? (You should review the slides posted in the module, but this website will be helpful for you to develop your answer) l
3. Consider the implications and impact of your issue on society. If you were responsible for creating a law (or public policy) to address or solve your issue, what would it be? For example, after the Ottawa shooting, police are now protecting soldiers who guard the monument. This is an example of how society is changed by events and new policies that come out of those events.
4. How does your issue relate to democracy? Be sure to address democracy as both a process and a value.
5. Often political (and social) science issues create public outcry in the form of protests or demonstrations (Police shootings, The Occupy Movement for example. Sometimes these protests turn violent. Are violent protests a symbol of democracy or a criminal act? Do you think protests (violent or peaceful) are effective? Explain.
6. Consider how the media impacts the coverage of political science issues (and news items in general) what influence does the media have over coverage? (i.e. what gets attention, what doesn’t? how does social media contribute?) Explain how media news coverage can reflect inequality.
7. Using your understanding of the concepts covered throughout the course, (inequality, social class, economics, sociological imagination, social control, democracy etc.) explain how you think the social sciences are relevant to your life. You can explain how social sciences impact life as a student, family member, friend, worker etc. Why is an understanding of social sciences valuable?