1. Select one partner you will research banking products with and complete the following assignment.
2. Both students will submit the same assignments in DC Connect.
3. File name format will include BOTH of your names.
4. Refer to the assignment Rubric for grading structure.
As a student, you have likely enjoyed the benefits of no-fee student banking. Imagine it’s a year after graduating from Durham College, your Student Banking Plan is expiring and you will be moved to new products with different features and associated fees. You decide, now is a good time to see what alternative offers are out in the marketplace.
Part 1 16 Marks
1. A written report in WORD demonstrating your research of 3 chequing account products from 3 different financial institutions. It should include: a summary of the product you selected, the main features of each product, your rationale for selecting it, as well as completion of the table below.
2. Each Financial Institution overview including the details above should take approx. 1 page. This means approximately 3 pages in total for this section.
3. Include and site references to any websites or materials you used for research.
4. The final overall recommendation and supporting rationale of the product you are selecting should take no more than 1 page.
Part 2 8 Marks
1. Video sales pitch
2. Shift your perspective and become the employee at a bank branch.
3. As the employee you have just conducted a needs analysis with your customer and have identified a chequing account you believe would meet their needs.
4. You now want to recommend it and need to explain why you think it is the right fit for them.
5. You and your partner will create a 3-minute video ‘sales pitch’.
6. Stay focused and on point; marks will be deducted if your video exceeds 3 minutes
Get Creative and Have FUN with the video portion of this assignment. You do not need to be on camera if you are not comfortable. Most short news bytes are segments that are more than just a single person staring into a camera; create something digitally, or engage friends or family (with their permission).