Project – WordPress Deployment with Amazon RDS
The aim of this project is to deploy WordPress Web Application using external database. WordPress requires a MySQL database to store its data. For this project, students will use Amazon RDS for MySQL to run MySQL database. This will expose students to design, configure and implement WordPress workloads using external database.
Database maintenance for your WordPress application is critical. Your database instance holds all your important data for your WordPress. If the database goes down, your application may go down with it, and you could even lose your data.
Amazon RDS for MySQL helps with these problems. Amazon RDS for MySQL is a managed database service from AWS.
The deployment of this project is based on new virtual private cloud with an architecture outlined below that builds the WordPress application. We will use “US EAST – North Virginia” region for the implementation.
Figure 1: Architecture for WordPress with Amazon RDS
Bastion Instance: |
Instance Type |
t2.micro (Free Tier) |
Instance Type |
Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type |
NAT Gateway: |
Public Subnet 1 |
Outbound internet for resources in private subnets |
WordPress Instances (2): |
Instance Type |
t2.micro (Free Tier) |
Instance Type |
Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type |
Database Instance: |
Instance Template |
Free Tier |
Instance Type |
db.t2.micro |
Engine |
Mount to both private subnets.
Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer
Required Software
SSH Utility (Putty, Puttygen, Pageant)
When the deployment has completely successfully, test it by accessing the WordPress user interface from your browser and logging into the WP dashboard.
One page, single spaced, font 11, no pictures, technical project summary is required for grading your project work. A softcopy of your project summary should be submitted on Blackboard before or in Week 13 lab class. (5 marks) Late submissions may not be considered for marking.
You will also need to prepare a 10-minute project demonstration in AWS Management Console. No more than 10 minutes are allocated per group. There will be 15 marks associated with functional demo as per the specifications outlined in this project document.
You will work in groups with each group consist of three members. Only one copy of the project is required. Please choose your group member wisely. No change of groups or individual work is accepted. Once you have selected your group member, your group must sign-up online using the link:
(We will use the same groups from project1.)