Thepurposeof a professional portfolio is to demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning through ongoing professional development. The professional portfolio will help you to develop your understanding of the CLPNA competencies as well as ensuring self-assessment and reflection throughout your career in nursing. This will ultimately help you transition from a novice to expert practitioner. This assignment is a total of and contributes 5% toward your total course grade.InstructionsStep1:ï‚·Review thecompetencies fromtheCLPNA websiteat www.clpna.comoCheck with your InstructoroCheck with your Instructoroompetencies for Maternal/Newborn Careo Competencies for Pediatricso Competencies for Community Healtho Competencies for Mental Health and Addictionï‚·Pick the specific competency you would like to focus on.Step2:ï‚·Reflectonthefollowingareasandprovide your information for each area onthe template provided.oCompetency: Clearly label the competencyletter, number,and subcategory(write out the competency).oSignificant learningexperience:DescribeONEsignificantlearning experienceinthis courserelatedto theCLPNA competencyyouhave identified. Provideanexample.oWhat you learned:Describewhatyoulearnedand how itrelates to the competencyidentified.oProficiencyrating:Usethe“Proficiency Rating Categories”below torateyour ownproficiencyintheidentifiedCLPNA competency.Whatdidyoudo to achievethis competency and provide evidence to support your rating?oSignificance of learning: Explainhow the identified competency enhanced your learning (was meaningful) in this course. oNursingPractice:Describehow youwill apply this learninginyourcurrent andfuturenursingpractice (What are your strengths and what are your future learning needsregarding this competency)