“Why Smartphones in the Classroom Equals Smarter Kids”, Jesse Brown
“Smartphones and our memories: Don't take a picture. It'll last longer”, Brandon Ambrosino
They each take a different stand on cellphones, so choose the story that was most convincing for you.
In a 5 paragraph essay of approximately 700 words, analyze the effectiveness of the persuasive techniques (emotion, credibility, and logic) used in either Jesse Brown’s essay “Why Smartphones in the Classroom Equals Smarter Kids” or Brandon Ambrosino’s essay “Smartphones and our Memories: Don’t Take a Picture It’ll last Longer”.
This is not a compare or contrast essay and you are not mentioning both essays in your essay. You are only choosing one and talking about how it was convincing on the subject of cell phones and their place in the world.
•The essay should have an introduction, 3 body paragraphs (dedicate one paragraph to each of the three persuasive techniques: emotion, credibility, logic) and a conclusion.
•The last sentence of your introduction should be your thesis statement. The thesis statement should answer this question: which technique(s) does the author use most effectively to persuade his readers (emotion, logic or credibility)?
•For each of your body paragraphs, include two quotes from the author’s essay to support a specific persuasive technique. For example, in the body paragraph about emotion, use two quotes that showcase
•E that the author was convincing using emotional appeal. Make sure you explain why that quote was effective - don’t simply insert a quotation and move on.
Ambrosino’s use of logic was very effective in getting the point across. “25% of people who use cell phones to take pictures can’t remember what they took a picture of”.
This does not tell me why this was effective or how it was convincing. It also doesn’t provide any analysis of the quote so it doesn’t tell me why that quote, specifically, was important in getting the message about cell phones across to the reader.
•Here is an example of what to do:
Ambrosino’s use of logic is convincing to the readers as he uses up-to-date research to support his assertions that cell phones are replacing our memories: “25% of people who use cell phones to take pictures can’t remember what they took a picture of”. This study shows the alarming number of people who are using their cell phones to capture memories but who can’t recall the moment itself; statistics like this are frightening and hard to argue with, so they may force the reader reflect on his/her own over-use of cell phones.
•Double-space your essay
•Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
•This essay is not an opinion piece about cell phones. No personal opinions, generalizations, or anecdotes are required.
•Read the rubric below so you know what is expected of you.