BUSINESS LAW REFLECTIVE ARTICLE/CASE ASSIGNMENT 1 PROFESSOR: Floyd Hardy-Henry DUE DATE: Midnight Friday, March 27, 2020. PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ understanding of significant issues in Canadian business law. Students will select and analyze one current article or case on an important topic in the topic area of Agency&/or Different Business Forms. SELECTION OF ARTICLE/CASE Students are required to select ONE significant article/case related to an issue covered in the Agency&/or Different Business Forms area of this course. Try to find a substantial article/case with considerable relevant legal content and discussion relating to this particular legal area. All articles must be related to Canadian business law. I WILL ONLY ACCEPT ARTICLES/CASES WITHIN THE LAST YEAR. ANY ARTICLE/CASE BEFORE THAT DATE WILL BE REJECTED. The article/case must be selected from current newspapers, the Internet, magazines or journals. Some of the best sources you can use are; major Canadian newspapers, Lawyers Weekly, Canadian Lawyer, Canadian Employment Law Today and the accounting magazines, all of which are available in the Seneca resource center. The article/case must contain significant information or commentary on the topic in Canadian business law. Students are to select their OWN article/case and should not lend their articles/cases to other students. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and the appropriate college penalties will be applied. DO NOT COPY THE ARTICLE/CASE. You must summarize the article/case in your OWN words or you could be found guilty of violating the Academic Policy for plagiarism. DO NOT HIRE SOMEONE TO WRITE THE ASSIGNMENT FOR YOU OR YOU. Sometimes students find multiple articles/cases on the same topic. You should select the one best article/case you find on this topic. Do not hand in more than one actual article/case. If you use key information from another article/case that is allowed, but you must then list these others sources for that information at the end of the paper. It is not necessary to use other sources than the article/case you have chosen, but if you do use actual key information from another source, reference it at the end of the paper in an appropriate format. I want most of your information to come from the actual article/case you selected. This is not an assignment that requires multiple research sources. Students MUST include a copy of the actual article/case you selected so the professor can properly evaluate the analysis. The source, date, page number or URL of the article MUST be provided. All assignments must be produced on a computer and submitted to me by email by midnight Friday, March 27, 2020 or it will not be accepted. SUMMARY AND ANALYSIS Your assignment should first contain a short introductory paragraph of 1-2 sentences telling the reader what this article/case is generally about. Then you do a summary of the key facts discussed, the significance of the events discussed, and the author’s/court’s position (if there is one). DO NOT just copy the article/case, you must summarize the key information in your OWN words. After the summary, students must then do an analysis of the article/case with your own comments and opinions and explain its significance and apply the relevant Canadian business law. Your own analysis and insights are the most important aspect of this assignment. The completed assignment should be approximately one to one and a half (no more than a page and a half)typed double spaced page. Please include a cover page with your name and the name of the article/case on the front and your subject and section as well. Be sure to attach a copy of the actual article/case you used with your assignment at the end (it will not be considered a part of the number of pages). The assignment will be evaluated on the basis of the significance of the article/case selected, and the quality of the student’s summary and analysis. The assignment must be in proper essay form using correct grammar and spelling. Criteria for the assignment include; quality of the article/case chosen, clarity and content of the summary, quality of the analysis, relevant observations and opinions, use of course material and the overall effectiveness of the article/case and the analysis. Students who are having any difficulties with this assignment should contact me by e mail as soon as possible. This assignment will constitute 20 percent of your final mark in this course.