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PLS300 Political Ideologies

Unit 1:
Libertarianism Describe the historical origins of libertarian thought. What economic and political situation are libertarians responding to?
Describe the libertarian attitude towards taxation. How does this view connect to the core value(s) of libertarian thought?
In “Classical Liberalism as an Organizing Ideal,” James Buchanan speaks about the “services of a choicemaker.” To whom (or to what) is Buchanan referring? Is such a “choicemaker” necessary? Why or why not?
James Buchanan is very suspicious of the state. Why? Why, in his opinion, are states typically so ineffective at managing the economy? What, according to John Williamson, is the Washington Consensus?
What sorts of policies does it endorse? And which important institutions have adopted its institutional and policy recommendations?
Unit 2:
Anti-Globalization According to William Finnegan, the IMF and World Bank both believe in, and practice, an ideology called “market fundamentalism.” Describe the core tenets and assumptions of this system of belief?
In “The Economics of Empire,” William Finnegan describes the IMF and World Bank interventions in Bolivia. Were these interventions successful? Why or why not?
What, according to William Finnegan, is the most effective path to economic development? Is this path compatible with the libertarian agenda? Why or why not?
What, according to William Finnegan, is the most effective path to economic development?What examples of successful development does Finnegan discuss? And why were these cases so exceptional?
In “The Economics of Empire,” William Finnegan is deeply critical of the world’s rich, developed states. Why? What do these states do (or not do) that so offends Finnegan?
Unit 3:
Environmentalism In This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein documents the overwhelming evidence in support of climate change. Why, in her opinion, have we not initiated meaningful reform? What forces are trying to arrest our efforts to combat global warming, and why?
According to Naomi Klein, what is the connection between free market capitalism and climate change? Provide examples. In This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein refers to the climate and capitalism as “two solitudes”?
Explain Klein’s meaning with reference to examples. In This Changes Everything, Naomi Klein outlines an ambitious agenda to combat climate change.
What institutional and policy solutions to the climate crisis does Klein propose? What ideology best captures these policies and proposals, and why?
