Identify the specific stakeholders for each of the six categories including customers, workforce, suppliers and partners, investors, society, and the natural environment. For each stakeholder group identify the key requirements and the key performance measures (quantitative metrics) used to determine how well the organization is meeting those requirements.
Identify the Customer segments and then for each segment identify the requirements the customers have of the organization and the performance metrics associated with each requirement. How does the organization know how well they are doing on meeting each requirement? Note - segments are groups that have similar requirements. A table is a good way to show all three items - segment, requirements, and metrics. You also must discuss the table in a paragraph or two.
Identify the Workforce segments and then for each segment identify the requirements the workforce has of the organization and (not the organization’s requirements of the workforce) the performance metrics associated with each requirement. How does the organization know how well they are doing on meeting each requirement? Note - segments are groups that have similar requirements. A table is a good way to show all three items - segment, requirements, and metrics. You also must discuss the table in a paragraph or two.