Throughout this unit, you have conducted a research project into an electrochemical object of your choice:
· Standard alkaline battery
· Rechargeable battery
· Hydrogen fuel cell
You have used the object to help you demonstrate this curriculum expectation:
F1. “analyse technologies and processes relating to electrochemistry, and their implications for society, health and safety, and the environment;”
What types of questions did you have about the object you selected that relate to the overall curriculum expectation above? You have developed 2–3 questions and researched them. Your questions should have been broad in nature and not something that could be answered in one sentence. For example, a question like, “Does my object make electricity?” would have been too basic (the answer is “Yes!”). Instead a question like, “Why can’t rechargeable batteries last forever?” would have been something to be explored in more detail and would have been a more appropriate question.
Now, develop an information brochure, infographic or webpage that could be found on a website promoting the benefits of renewable energy. Your information brochure/infographic/webpage should include:
· An overview of the electrochemical object.
The information you learned through res