ADMS 1000 Introduction to Business
Question 1 Using utilitarian ethics (endpoint ethics) as an ethical decision-making framework, explain whether or not it is ethical for the Girl Guides of Canada to continue to sell Girl Guide cookies made with regular palm oil. Use a detailed stakeholder analysis as part of your answer.
Questions #2 Are the Girl Guides of Canada socially responsible? Explain your answer using the four (4) levels of social responsibility?
Questions #3 What phase of the industry lifecycle model is the certified sustainable palm oil industry in? Support your answer with characteristics of the industry lifecycle stage and explain with case examples.
Questions #4 What are the benefits and risks of multinationals to a host country like Malaysia in this case? Explain with case examples.
Question #5 What may be some arguments for the Canadian Federal Government financially to support Canadian organizations to switch to certified sustainable palm oil through some form of tax credit or subsidy? Explain with case examples.