NURS 4525 Health and Healing: Community as Partner
Please summarize your learning during this community as partner placement by considering the following:
What are the themes that emerge from your experience?
What meaning do these themes have for you personally and for your nursing practice?
How has this experience changed you and how have you influenced the health of the aggregate you partnered with?
What was your biggest “light bulb” moment and why?
In what ways did I specifically contribute to classroom peace (a la Chinn) in my ways of being with peers, team members, Course Director, Clinical Course Director and preceptors? Choose five and elaborate
Chinn’s Peace Powers for Building Community in the Classroom
- Power of Process: “the process itself becomes an important focus for discussion along with the “content” in a classroom…” (p. 108).
- Power of Letting Go: “All participants let go of old habits and ways to make room for personal and collective growth” (p. 108).
- Power of Whole: “Mutual help networks within the group are encouraged. Old competitive habits are replaced with actions that reflect cooperation” (p. 108).
- Power of Collectivity: “Each person is taken into account in the group’s planning-in-process” (p. 109).
- Power of Unity: “By actively seeking to understand differing perspectives that each person bring, the group can more fully understand what unifies them” (p. 109).