Complete a second Journal Article Review (JAR 2) using this template and MACP APA formatting guide. In the Yorkville Library, find ONE journal article related to counselling. Ideally, you will draw from the topic you are researching for your final project and use the second JAR to further develop your understanding of the topic. For JAR 2, the design should be qualitative and utilize a formal qualitative methodology (rather than simply asking open-ended questions and reporting the results). You must distinguish the qualitative design type in the discussion. Note: once again, single-subject case studies are not permitted. In your JAR2, the methodology and analyses (including results) should be clearly discussed.
The purpose of an article review is to communicate the main points of a study and to discuss both the implications and strengths and weaknesses of the design.  The review is not meant to re-iterate the details of the study and paraphrase each and every point; rather, it should summarize and discuss the study. These assignments should be seen as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts, particularly in the Discussion section.  Quotes should be used sparingly or not at all. The JAR you will complete for this assignment should be about 2 - 3 pages in length. There are no penalties for going slightly over this limit, but the final length should be close. As a rule of thumb, aim to write about 1/3 page for each of the five main section headings in the template (Introduction, Method, Results, Implications, Discussion). Use quotes sparingly, if at all; they will not be counted for content or length.
Submissions should be double-spaced and follow APA format. Please note that APA includes attention to word choice, grammar, punctuation, syntax, page and heading formatting, as well as in-text citation and referencing style. Do not use a numeral to start a sentence (use word form or re-word the sentence to avoid beginning with a number), do not use bullet points, and if you are presenting information that you have not read first-hand (i.e., a secondary source), indicate this using the (as cited inâ¦.) convention, as per APA.  Note that the secondary source should not be included on your reference page.  See Appendix A in the Goodwin text, pp. 379-398, for important guidelines to follow in your writing.
The blue text notes in the template are for your guidance only and do not belong in the final product. Therefore, delete all blue type and all text in square brackets. Note that this template serves as a guide for the content and format but you should consult the APA Publication Manual as well.
After your professor has provided your grade, you can access the feedback by clicking the blue pencil icon next to the grade. You may receive a pop-up message about resubmissions but you can simply click Continue to bypass that message
The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the professor will weigh these components relative to one another.
1. Met Assignment Requirements (40%)
  a. selected appropriate topic
  b. selected appropriate qualitative article and reviewed completely
2. Writing Quality (15%)
  a. material is organized in a manner that is logical and easy to follow
  b. APA style applied appropriately to references
  c. attention paid to grammar, spelling, etc.
3. Mastery of Material / Comprehensiveness (45%)
 a. indicates understanding of research methodology factors
  b. scope of the discussion of methodological factors
  c. evidence of insight and synthesis of ideas from various parts of the courseÂ