Discrimination refers to the act of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or other characteristics. There are many examples of discrimination that occur in the real world, some of which include:
Racial discrimination: This can take the form of racial profiling by law enforcement, unequal treatment in the workplace, or discrimination in housing or other areas of daily life.
Gender discrimination: This can include unequal pay for women, discrimination against transgender individuals, and other forms of discrimination based on gender identity or expression.
Age discrimination: This can include biased treatment of older workers in the workplace, or discrimination against younger people in areas such as housing or education.
Disability discrimination: This can include denying individuals with disabilities access to buildings or services that are available to people without disabilities, or failing to make reasonable accommodations for their needs in the workplace.
Religious discrimination: This can include denying employment or other opportunities to people because of their religion, or imposing religious practices or beliefs on individuals who do not share them.