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  • Published: 16 Feb 2022
  • 39 Pages, 9902 Words
The Roman Empire As “Multicultural” - A Study Of Western Civilization

The Impact of Multiculturalism on Roman EmpireThis is the assignment based on case study,Why might we describe the Roman Empire as “multicultural”? What cultures most influenced Roman culture, and why? Please in cooperate the reading for chapter 10 to the essay. Add in text citation to paragraphs and also at the end of Essay.Watch Watch the following: The Roman Empire Or Republic. Or which was it?: Crash course in history,A day in the life of a Roman soldier (15CE) The year i...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 17 Pages, 4281 Words
Hydraulic Engineering Problems And Solutions

Problem 1: Concrete-lined Channel AnalysisThe water surface elevatlon in the reservoir of a dam in a mountainous area is at EL 1510 m (see fiBure below). To transfer the water from the dam reservoir to the communities down the mountains, an underground tunnel of 30 km Jong and 5 m diameter was The tunnel wall has an effective roughness of 5 mm. The tunnel discharges the flow from the dam reservoir to a storage & dlstrlbution (S&D) reservoir from which water Is conveyed to the downstre...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 13 Pages, 3432 Words
Marketing Strategy For A Product In An Emerging Market Country | Final Project

Introduction and Project OutlineAs the CEO of a hypothetical U.S.-based international business, you will create a strategy for successfully marketing a product in an emerging market country. This will include production, distribution, and supply chain management. You will analyze business and organizational situations, employ key models and applications, use ethical approaches to decision making, and demonstrate critical thinking.  There are three parts to this project: Introductio...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 11 Pages, 2802 Words
HFS371 Risk Assessment And Management

Task You are working for The Beyond Future Manufacturing Ltd. You have been told that the Managing Director iskeen to promote the company in the local community. She has decided to contact the local Secondary School to tell them that some young persons will be welcome to spend time at the company during their work experience scheme.   You have been asked to undertake a risk assessment for a young person who wishes to come to the Companywho wants to become a design engineer in this field....

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  • Published: 16 Feb 2022
  • 16 Pages, 4092 Words
Importance Of Managing Aims In Collaborations: Examples From Course Material And Professional/Person

This Short Tutor Marked Assignment (STMA) is the replacement for the MTA. It is composed of TWO MANDATORY QUESTIONS. You have 1 week to upload your answer on the LMS. The STMA is to be typed(Word document), not STMA DUE DATE: May 5, 2020. In order to conduct your analysis, pick a local organizational collaboration, as specified in each the questions below. The ultimate purpose of this choice is to allow you to develop your ability to use the conceptual frameworks, theories, practices, mo...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 15 Pages, 3770 Words
Disruptive Innovation In Retail: Analyzing Amazon's Impact

Disruptive Innovation and AmazonInstructions: I want to choose amazon for this assignment… One type of change to consider is disruptive change or innovation. Disruptive innovation is a relatively new term coined in 1995 by Bower and Christenson. In essence, this is any new or different approach to a product or services that radically change the market. This kind of radical change is hard to predict from your competition, but just the type of internal innovation that change managers...

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  • Published: 29 Sep 2022
  • 19 Pages, 4970 Words
Theory Of Demand And Supply And The Impact Of Income Increase On Inferior Goods: A Case Study Of G.R

Theory of Demand and SupplyThe theory of demand and supply is the one of the most significant stepping stones where the interaction between the buyers of a resource and sellers of a resource are explained. The relationship between the price of a commodity and the willingness of individuals to sell or purchase has been explained under the theory of demand and supply. It must be noted that in the event of a general price increase, there is a willingness of the sellers to supply more and co...

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  • Published: 16 Feb 2022
  • 18 Pages, 4731 Words
The Dynamics Of Union-Management Relations And Collective Bargaining

Learning ObjectivesIntroductionThe fundamental reason for the existence of the trade union is that by it and through it, workmen are enabled to deal collectively with their employers. Trade unionism thus recognizes that the destruction of the workingman is the individual bargaining, and the salvation of the workingman is the joint, united, or collective bargaining (Mitchell, 1903).   Union and management are traditional adversaries—management tries to hold on t...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 16 Pages, 4246 Words
Gender Inequality On Social Media: An Analysis Of Hashtag Trends

Analysis of Gendered Meanings on Social MediaIn this class we have discussed many issues related to gender inequality (for example: manhood acts, cisnormativity, rape culture, sex education,  intersectionality, family, reproductive politics, and more). With these topics in mind, this assignment requires you to analyze  messages you see about gender on social media. You will pick one hashtag on the social media site of your choice, collect data (memes,  vide...

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  • Published: 03 Jan 2022
  • 13 Pages, 3273 Words
Analyzing The Effectiveness Of Purchasing Management: Supplier Selection, Purchasing Costs, And ICT

Question: Assignment Brief: Select an organization that you are familiar with and assume that you are the purchasing manager of this organization. Analyse the effectiveness of these three aspects of the purchasing management, namely supplier selection criteria and related issues (eg. single or multiples sources, local or overseas etc.), purchasing costs, and the use of information & communication technologies (ICT) for purchasing operations and management. You are required to consult and f...

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Assignment: 3 Pages, Deadline: 3 days

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Case Study

Case Study: 10 Pages, Deadline: 24 days

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