PhD in Pharmacology
I have completed my PhD In pharmacology from University of Otago. After completing my PhD, I have started working as a full-time professor. Teaching is something that fuels my intellectuality...Read more
I started working as a subject matter expert with In these three years, I have completed more than 200 assignments, and I have earned 5-star rating numbers of time for my high quality writing. Read Less
Employability skills assessedEmployability skills assessed: C1: Reading, selecting, analysing and synthesising information from a range of sources C2: Producing different types of documentC3: Participating in discussionsLP1: Develop a strategy for using a range of skills to improve own learning and performanceIT1: Preparing informationIT2: Processing and presenting informationIT3: Reviewing t...
Get AnswerTopic 1: Paid participation in research and autonomyPlease take the time to reflect on and discuss the two assigned articles with your fellow group members and respond to one of the following questions. Please post your response as well as your reply to one of your fellow group member’s posts online via Moodle. 1. Please discuss Fisher’s argument regarding structural violence with regard to the subject of paid participation in research. Are participants who engage i...
Get AnswerPart A: Business CombinationThe TMA covers the advanced accounting concepts and practices in the businesses. It is marked out of 100 and is worth 20% of the overall assessment component. This TMA requires you to apply the course concepts. The TMA is intended to:Assess students’ understanding of key learning points within chapter 1, 3, 4 and 5. Increase the students’ knowledge about the reality of the advanced Accounting issues. Develop students’ communication skill...
Get AnswerBackground info – 7-year warHook sentence : Write a hook sentence- about how drones are changing the game in the KSA and yemen war Paragraph 1- Background info-7 year war Why did the war start? is it still ongoing Who is currently winning in the war. Paragraph 2- drone attacks( might be 2 paragraphs) Use the information provided below to write subsections of the outline How yemen is the underdog in the war yet succeeding with new kind of equi...
Get AnswerSelecting a Topic of Value to Your OrganizationIf you are working, it is a good idea to select a topic that has value to the organisation you work for.  This  is  a  good  route  for  part-time  and  distance  learning  students.  The  topic  needs  to  of appropriate  scope  and ...
Get AnswerIndividual Coursework DetailsThe first piece of coursework requires that you do the following: Evaluate the customer journey of any two similar retail e-businesses (UK or Global) Compare and contrast the features and processes of your chosen retail e-business websites that make each less or more effective, and Propose a new e-business that would sell at least one product or service and would incorporate the best features identified in the two retail e-businesses. The new e-business needs...
Get AnswerPrepare a video presentation for Task 1 with a duration of FIVE (5) MINUTES. Record a video presentation of yourself with the slide presentation and upload it upon the submission. You are required to upload this assignment in the form of a file in mp4 format (not exceeding 400MB). Please submit in a separate file. Tips: Draft Your Content: Know What to Present. Consistent Format: Avoid Confusion. Less Text: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words. Make sure you have a good conclusion. I...
Get AnswerPatient HistoryA 63-year old male with an extensive past medical history presents to the clinic complaining of shortness of breath. He has previously been treated for two myocardial infarctions hypertension, non-insulin dependent diabetes and stasis dermatitis of the left leg. He had an aorto-coronary bypass one year ago. Today he presents with shortness of breath which has been progressive over the past five days. He notes that he has experienced episodes of shortness of...
Get AnswerGreenwich Cabs: Company Overview and Dispatcher FunctionPlagiarism is presenting somebody else's work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student's coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedur...
Get AnswerQuestions:What is your inference from the above research/observation? What is the role of a leader to increase more leaders to follow professional management practices? Why good managers are so rare? Gallup has found that one of the most important decisions companies make is simply whom they name manager. Yet our analysis suggests that they usually get it wrong. In fact, Gallup finds that companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job 82% of the time. Bad...
Get AnswerAssignment: 5.6 Pages, Deadline: 6 days
I am very satisfy with the solution of the subject and hope fully it will be good for my exams. thanks
User ID: 8***9
Assignment: 3 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
Very well done and very much appreciated. Professional and on time!! Will use again very soon
User ID: 3***46
Essay: 4.4 Pages, Deadline: 16 days
deserves over and above this rating
work was done over and above brief
User ID: 8***5
Home Work: 1.2 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
Thank you, the work was done with excellent command of the English language, i did however feel it did not really address the question raised in the p ...
User ID: 3***79
Essay: 5 Pages, Deadline: 5 days
I received A on my history research essay. Extremely informative with excellent written skills. Definitely coming back to take service. Really like th ...
User ID: 9***80
Assignment: 37.2 Pages, Deadline: 11 days
The team was helpful! And they did it on time without much pressure but the results are good
User ID: 4***13
Essay: 1 Page, Deadline: 3 days
Greatly appreciated your help! Recommended service! Worked to complete all work requirements!
User ID: 2***79
Assignment: 0.4 Pages, Deadline: 15 hours
Nice job . Thanks for the complete assignment and showing good written materials.
User ID: 7***1
Essay: 1.2 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
Big help guys. I really appreciate your very helpful service and I like the completed tasks I received. Special thanks to the wrtiter and the supp ...
User ID: 8***8
Programming: 12 Pages, Deadline: 8 days
i like ur works and hope i got good score and i like your service for assognment
User ID: 1***89