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  • Published: 07 Mar 2022
  • 18 Pages, 4551 Words
Informative Report: Obesity In School-Aged Children

PurposeYour goal in the Informative Report is to do just that: report information about your research topic to your reader in order to inform them about the most significant aspects of and arguments made about the topic. Your goal is not to persuade your reader to adopt a certain side; in fact, your paper should not make any argument at all.  Instead, work on tracking down the best, more reliable information you can find about the topic you have chosen. Cite at least twogoo...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 29 Pages, 7333 Words
Tips For Creating A Polished Resume And Cover Letter For Job Applications

PurposeMy Resume and Cover Letter  Purpose Your polished resume and cover letter will serve to market your skills to employers.   Explanation of tasks This assignment will be divided into two parts.  The first part of the assignment asks you conduct an analysis of a job posting, then you will tailor your resume and cover letter to that job posting.  The second part of this assignment asks you to incorporate feedback to finalize your resume...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 17 Pages, 4465 Words
Final Research Project Outline | Instructions And Guidelines

For those doing a research projectYou are encouraged to submit an outline for your final research project. Please clearly indicate whether you are doing the research project or the self-reflection research project. Notice that the outlines are slightly different. Feedback will be provided in a first-come, first-served basis. If needed, a zoom conversation will be scheduled to provide further guidance. This activity is not graded. For those doing a research project, the outline must include a...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 17 Pages, 4433 Words
Manufacturing Process Issues And Financial Impact: A Case Study Of Cooper Tire

Task: In this report, the manufacturing process at the cooper tire will be explained, and the problem statement will be evaluated, which needs to improve. In this report, the primary focus will be made on the Six Sigma Problem statement.  During the Covid-19, the company of Cooper tire manufacturers faces significant issues as they are not getting the proper resources and raw materials to do their manufacturing process on time. Cooper tire company has even shut down their manufacturing fa...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 5 Pages, 1261 Words
GEO201 Physical Geography

Question: Esthetic clasps for Removable Partial Denture  Dear Students: 1- Recently there are different materials used for fabrication of the esthetic clasp. For each material (at least 3 materials) cover the following points: Name, Composition, Mechanical properties, Advantage, disadvantage and indications. ( support your work with pictures) 2- This is an assignment you need to submitted by the end or before 10th week. 3- The assignment grade will be out of 10 marks. 4- Please follow ...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 5 Pages, 1481 Words
GNED 1005 Human Behaviour

Question: Hey everyone....So here is the final assignment. I would like you to choose a RACISM topic that has to do with human behaviour in a workplace setting (this behaviour will also be present out of the workplace as this is probably part of a person’s personality or behaviour in general). It can be a topic that you are interested in, or have experienced it at work (or in life).  Create a research presentation power point, similar to the ones I provide in my weekly lessons (it doesn'...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 15 Pages, 3960 Words
NPD Process Gap Analysis: Comparing Model NPD Process With Company's NPD Process

TaskLearning Outcomes: 1. NPD Process: Learn about the steps in NPD Stage-Gate® Processes, their use and implementation2. Research Skills: Learn to carry out research on a management topic3. Process Gap Analysis: What we are good at and what we are not good at4. Critical Thinking Skills: Stakeholder Analysis & Change Management5. Report Writing Skills: Structuring a report and using literature research to support argument and discussion6. Literature Referencing Skills (Use Cit...

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  • Published: 16 Nov 2021
  • 5 Pages, 1255 Words
LDER0180 Leadership In Helping Professions

Question: Penguin Books: Watership Down  This assignment is essentially a case analysis. However, the case is a 400 page novel about rabbits. In the novel there are many examples of leadership. Your task is to: • identify two characters in the novel you will be analyzing, and briefly describe them (no need to re-tell the story, your grader will have read the novel) • describe their leadership using one of the major approaches discussed in this course, such as behavioural, trait, situat...

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  • Published: 07 Mar 2022
  • 29 Pages, 7434 Words
Lean Methodology In Healthcare: Lessons Learned From Toyota Production System

Wastes Identified by Virginia MasonWhen you think of a hospital, what comes to mind? Patients, emergency rooms, technology and medical advancements. Making the sick and injured well again. When officials at Virginia Mason think of hospitals, they think of cars. A car manufacturing plant, to be exact. Beginning in 2000 the hospital’s leaders looked at their infrastructure and saw it was designed around them, not the patient, said Dr. Gary Kaplan, Virginia Mason’s chairman and chief...

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  • Published: 20 Jan 2022
  • 7 Pages, 1851 Words
ENVI 133 Environmental Science

Task Questions   (1) What are the two most commonly used data models or data structures in digital representations of geographic or geospatial features? How are the geographic features in the real world represented in each of these models? and what are their respective advantages and disadvantages? (2-3 pages, 20%)   (2) Please provide a detailed explanation of each of the following key conceptsin cartography that all GIS users need to understand: (2-3 pages, 20%) a. Geodetic D...

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Assignment: 1 Page, Deadline: 1 day

Brilliant, thanks for your excellent service. I was quite impressed about the way you responded to me

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Essay: 6 Pages, Deadline: 8 days

Thank you for a job well done. I have not turned in yet but I am sure it will be great. You went above and beyond.

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Home Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 3 days

The essay was written perfectly with a lot of good details. I was afraid that pieces were going to be missing and was not going to be accepted but it ...

User ID: 2***64

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Thesis: 9 Pages, Deadline: 23 hours

it is a late response but happy with the work and good grades achieved. Got distinction with the work submitted.

User ID: 5***7

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Assignment: 4 Pages, Deadline: 16 days

Great work. All the requirements met I got the good feedback from my mentor. I appreciate your hard work. Thank you

User ID: 9***4

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Home Work

Home Work: 1 Page, Deadline: 3 days

I received another perfect score 25/25. Thank you for making my education life better and easier!

User ID: 1***404

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Essay: 10 Pages, Deadline: 15 days

Thank you very much ! Your dedication and expertise were evident from the start. Not only did you provide invaluable assistance, but you also offered ...

User ID: 1***926

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Programming: 6 Pages, Deadline: 16 days

Great assignment about the big data including the poster, good quality. Great service.

User ID: 8***11

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Home Work

Home Work: 3 Pages, Deadline: 3 days

I got full marks, thanks again. the service is improving and also quality. i will book again

User ID: 1***73

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Home Work: 0 Pages, Deadline: 3 hours

great job as usual great team help always and follow what required and let you get high grades always the solution for our stuck in our papers love th ...

User ID: 8***86

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