I have received my Master’s in Law from Kaplan Higher Education Academy.
I have been associated with Cisco as a Legal Advisor for close to a decade now. Before that, I have been associated with ISS facility Services as an advisor for eleven years. I have been associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com for the past three years. ...Read more
Being acquainted with the proper understanding of law and order allows me to offer my insights to the aspiring students. Read Less
Filling Out The Assignment FormWhen you have completed your TMA, you must fill in the assignment form (PT3 form), taking care to fill all sections correctly. A soft copy of your TMA with the PT3 form filled must be uploaded to the university Moodle within the indicated cut-off date, via the turn-it-in upload link. 1.The following text describe problem situations. Read the text and note down the problem signaling words and expressions. Joyce Lodge opened her first café in 1989. In 201...
Get AnswerTMA format [New! Please take note]Please upload this assignment to Turnitin by Tuesday, 7 September 2021, 11:55pm. Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time. 1. Download and complete the new TMA Cover Page (screenshot below) from Canvas L01 > Modules > Assessments. 2. Acknowledge that you have read the self-declaration on academic integrity and submit it with your TMA. There will be a penalty of 5 marks deduction if the TMA cover page is incomplete, inaccurate or miss...
Get AnswerThe Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizations and ManagementOrganizational culture has a strong impact on organizations and management, which emerges from its nature and its content. The behavior, actions, and interactions of the members of an organization emerge from the meaning that the reality of that organization has for them. Googleis one of the few companies that successfully combine technological innovation with a strong organizational culture. Google is one of the best-known ...
Get AnswerSummary of the Real-World Business SituationThe emergence of numerous cryptocurrencies has attracted individual and company investors. Bitcoin is one of the most famous and valuable Cryptocurrency. Investors and business analysist are trying to determine the best investment decisions that can result into high returns. Determining the expected price change (rise or fall) is a major factor in Cryptocurrency investment (Borgonovo, et al., 2018). The change in prices can be predicted/forecas...
Get AnswerQuestion: You are required to develop a Human Resource Management business proposal with specific focus on HR operating model (structure), Resourcing and Development. Your recommendations and overall HRM business proposal needto demonstrate considerations on business alignment, a proposal that can assist any start-up or SME type company. When designing a HRM business proposal it is important that you benchmark your plan and proposed methods. You can use any international organisation of your...
Get AnswerTask ComponentsTo be submitted by Monday 23 September 2019 by 1pm (1300 hours) GMT time.This coursework assignment contributes a maximum of 30% of the total marks available for this module. RequiredThere is one requirement in this section, as specified in the Task further below. The focus is the proposal and design of a potential research study. ContextThis coursework assignment focuses on your own personal or professional area of interest. The area of interest is likely to be work-related ...
Get AnswerQuestion: Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding How the digital economy is changing the landscape of people management and how the future of work is shaping the new ways of people management Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Apply understanding of changing role of HRM in the digital age through conducting small-scale research, analyse findings, draw meaningful conclusions and provide recommendations for creating business value through people management ...
Get AnswerRules for Writing Effective Apology EmailsQuestion 1: (18 marks) Write an email to your tutor apologizing for not attending the last class mentioning your excuse (s). When writing your email, make sure that you are following the netiquettes for writing effective emails that you’ve learned in Meeting 2. You are required to do the following: 1. Provide a screenshot of the required email (No need to send the email). 2. Provide another screenshot of the required email where you have ...
Get AnswerTypes of food-related issues The term food allergies refer to the type of food related issues which is increasing day after day. Over millions of people are getting affected by the food they are consuming. Several kinds of symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain or vomiting are experienced by the people due to the consumption of the contaminated food (Jia and Evans). Apart from those, since the last decade the rate of the hospitalization related to allergies is increasing which is becoming a maj...
Get AnswerTo introduce students to the principles of research. To develop students’ knowledge and skills of purposeful reading, critique and use of research for professional healthcare in practice. Analyse concepts of health caregivers’ role including: Legislation, Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi and health ethics. Research, articulate and apply knowledge and skills relevant to ethical and effective health promotion practices within their work context. Use analytic...
Get AnswerProgramming: 16 Pages, Deadline: 13 days
I was having issue with my project which he resolved very easily. Very professional and very fast.
User ID: 1***167
Assignment: 11 Pages, Deadline: 2 days
I wanna thank you to the staff for their premium services, always helpfully, offering very good solutions to our assignment issues.
I am really impr ...
User ID: 4***21
Programming: 1.6 Pages, Deadline: 3 days
Work was good but I got 68.I am happy with the mark but make sure you read the requirement properly.
User ID: 1***988
Assignment: 1 Page, Deadline: 20 days
very impressed with the delivery,very happy with the job done,my details and instructions were strictly followed.
User ID: 1***84
Essay: 4 Pages, Deadline: 18 hours
thankyou laura for making my assignment i got a good marks and i would like to thank you for that and really appreciate
User ID: 1***03
Assignment: 1.8 Pages, Deadline: 4 days
Followed all guidelines. Reviewed and executed the assignment elements very well.
User ID: 1***709
Programming: 1 Page, Deadline: 2 days
Absolutely Satisfied. The expert was very helpful, has done everything I have requested with no complaints. Even if there were few revisions he was ab ...
User ID: 4***08
Assignment: 0.3 Pages, Deadline: 23 hours
Thank you so much for completing this assignment and the effort input to this assignment. Excellent job.
User ID: 7***1
Assignment: 8 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
good and supportive again thank you guys keep it up. fulfill my requirement again
User ID: 1***98
Essay: 3.6 Pages, Deadline: 1 day
This assignment was last minute but I still received an excellent grade. Thank you for all your hard work.
User ID: 3***54