Operations and Supply Chain Management Genius
After finishing her MBA, she started her career as a supply chain manager. She also has a deeper knowledge of areas like invoice generation, accounting, taxation, auditing, operations, and inventory management....Read more
Supply Chain Management, Invoice generation, Auditing, Taxation, Operations, Finance. Read Less
Task DescriptionYou are required to select HR Professionals’ job requirements (Skill level A – Category 1121) from the Canadian Government NOC (National Occupation Classification) list. Follow the link provided, enter the NOC Code 1121 for HR Professionals to see federal JD/JS outlined for HR Professionals in general. For your analysis, you can pick any Job title from the list of HR Professionals - outlined in the federal NOC list. Now lookup for a similar role/ position/title&rsquo...
Get AnswerPurposePurposeThe purpose of this project is to perform as a self-managed team, conduct a literature review on a management topic, and to apply the scholarly theoretical research findings to a real-world organization. Grading of the Project• Your project will be graded on a combination of your written report and the oral presentation. Grading criteria will be posted on Canvas. That means you should pay attention to both what you present and how you present. ...
Get AnswerAssignment: 1 Page, Deadline: 6 hours
My professor gave great advice on how to improve in the future; well written, thank you. I appreciate your work and dedication.
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Essay: 2 Pages, Deadline: 6 hours
Good write up on this research article. Attention to detail was followed by the writer. Overall good marks were given.
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