The purpose of this project is to perform as a self-managed team, conduct a literature review on a management topic, and to apply the scholarly theoretical research findings to a real-world organization.
Grading of the Project
• Your project will be graded on a combination of your written report and the oral presentation. Grading criteria will be posted on Canvas.
That means you should pay attention to both what you present and how you present.
Things to turn in at a glance
• Soft copy of 20-30+ page research paper (1 per team) (one team member uploads the paper through Canvas assignments Option 1 Written Reflection/Option 2 Reports and reference the names of the other team members; the other team members will turn in through Canvas assignments under Option 1 Written Reflection/Option 2 Reports a typed note in the submission box referencing the name of the team member who submitted the paper and the names of all other team members who participated in the project.
• Soft Copy of Team Evaluation Form* (1 per person) (submit online)
• Soft copy of Outline or PPT slide handouts (1 per team) (submit in person at the time of the presentation)
*The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure equal participation amongst team members (i.e., each person needs to pull their weight). You and your team will not receive a grade until this form is completed. Please note that if you do not do your fair share of the project, you will not receive full credit.
Your Responsibilities
To assist you in accomplishing your project with a minimum of trauma, stress, and bodily harm, I have attempted to structure it into hopefully doable steps.
1) Identify a topic from the “MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION TOPICS” list below
2) Using the library, conduct a thorough review of the scholarly literature written on the chosen topic. You should use at minimum, 5 scholarly sources for this assignment. Our textbook can serve as one of the sources. See below for instructions on how to conduct a literature review. After you review the scholarly literature, you should have some expertise on your chosen topic.
3) Choose an organization to which you have access
4) Develop a main research question and investigate the organization with respect to your chosen topic (e.g., if you choose Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), find out what that organization is doing in light of CSR; if you choose Organizational Justice, find out how the organization carries out organizational justice; etc.) You should interview a minimum of 5 people within the organization with respect to your chosen topic and your research question.
5) Prepare an 8-10 minute fun and interactive training to “teach” the class about your topic. The PPT presentation should consist of an overview of your chosen topic as discovered through the scholarly literature review you conducted, an overview of the organization you chose (based on your investigation within the organization and the people interviewed), and application of the topic to the organization (i.e., applying theory to real-life). It is up to you what information you choose to present, but the training should be fun, interactive and informative. For example, let’s say you choose CSR and you find the organization you have chosen is not upholding practices that support CSR. You may elect to present that the organization does not uphold practices that support CSR, and then report on the consequences the company may face in the future for not doing so in an engaging and interactive way.
6) Turn in a written report using the APA writing style that includes a review of the literature about your topic, the research question you are addressing, methods used to gather the data, a discussion of your findings, and a conclusion. Do not forget to include a reference page of scholarly resources, a list of people interviewed (names and job titles), and your interview questions. A great resource for writing, citing, and referencing in APA style This assignment is not for the faint hearted.
Tips on Doing Scholarly Literature Searches Using scholarly sources means materials written by scholars and not bloggers, personal opinions, etc., on the web. Use articles and books, not non-academic internet sources. The King Library has some very useful resources to help you do that. If you need help learning to research the King Library databases, you can contact the Business Librarian for SJSU