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Kinematic Equations Calculator for Instant Results

Get Accurate Answers With Our Kinematic Equations Calculator

Kinematics Calculator


  • Enter the values of the three known variables in the text boxes
  • Leave the text box empty for the variable you want to solve for
  • Click on the calculate button.

The Kinematics equations used for solving the question is:

v = u + at
s = ut + 1/2at2
v2 = u2 + 2as

How To Use Our Kinematic Equations Calculator With Steps?

Solve Equations In Seconds With A Few Clicks

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Select the values to calculate

The tool offers multiple options regarding the variables you wish to calculate. Click on the ‘Please select one option’ and pick anyone from the drop-down menu. The labels of the input spaces will change as per the options chosen.

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Put in the values for calculation

Once you have selected an option, look at the labels of the input spaces carefully. Those are the values the tool is looking for and will use to calculate the values. You can also change the units of input values.

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Get The Results

That’s it. The tool executes the underlying TypeScript codes and uses the correct equations of motion to find the values you need. The codes run on the client side, so you will get results even if you lose Internet connectivity.

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The Best Features of Our Kinematic Equations Calculator

Top Features of Our Calculator That Make It Unique

Unlimited Usage
Unlimited Usage

Solve as many expressions as you want. Our kinematic equations calculator is always available & operational.

Use Offline Anytime
Use Offline Anytime

The tool runs on the client side. Once you load the page, you can use it even without Internet connectivity.

Multiple Options
Multiple Options

You can find the value of any kinematic variable with the tool. Just select one, and you will be good to go.

No Need To Register
No Need To Register

Use the tool to solve equations as many times as you need without registering, sharing emails, or anything.

Completely FREE
Completely FREE

Solve any number of equations with our app without shelling out a single cent. It is absolutely free!

Complete Compatibility
Complete Compatibility

Smartphones, laptops, PCs, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera- the kinematics tool supports ad runs on everything.

Lester Beveridge
PhD in Physics
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I have been writing part-time for seven years now. Did post-graduation from the University of Warwick.
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MSc. in Engineering Physics
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Working with MyAssignmentHelp for 8 years. Got my PG degree from Morgan State.
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Joseph Ackerson
MSc. in Physics
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Delivered solutions for assignments in kinematics, fluid mechanics, acoustics, etc. Working here for 3 years.
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Cameron Collins
PhD. in Physics
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I did my postgraduation from the University of Nebraska. Delivered assignments on wave optics, mechanics, etc.
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Sample Output From Our Kinematic Equations Calculator

Here Are Some Sample Solutions From Our FREE Kinematic Calculator

Determination Of Gravitational Acceleration

Discover the principles behind the determination of gravitational acceleration. Learn methods, experiments, and calculations to measure Earth's gravity accurately.

Classical And Quantum Descriptions Of Electrons In Atoms

Explore the classical and quantum descriptions of electrons in atoms. Understand the fundamental differences, principles, and implications of both approaches in atomic physics.

View Sample
14 pages
Energy Audit: Process, Benefits And Implementation

BackgroundAn energy audit is a process with viable and potential survey of inspection for the energy flows anlaysis for performing energy conservation, in a particular house

Acoustic Impedance: Methods And Applications

Explore the methods and applications of acoustic impedance. Understand its principles, measurement techniques, and practical uses in fields like medical imaging and materials science.

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Crack Kinematics Equations with a Single Click
Find Accurate Answers For Classical Mechanics Problems Right Away

A Bit About Kinematics & Our Kinematic Equations Calculator

Kinematics is the branch of mechanics that studies the nature of motion induced in points, bodies, and groups of bodies but not the causes behind that motion. It is possible to define kinematic equations/kinematics equations for motion in any number of dimensions. The Newtonian kinematic equations, also known as Newton’s equations of motion, define five kinematic variables that can be defined in any number of dimensions. Below are the three key equations or kinematics formulas for uni-dimensional motion → 

  • S = u*t +- (0.5) *a*t
  • V = u +- a*t
  • V2 = u2 +- 2aS

U(initial velocity), v(final velocity), a(acceleration rate), s(displacement), and t(time) - these are the five kinematic variables whose values can be determined using the three kinematic formulas above.

The MyAssignmentHelp kinematic equations calculator can solve all three kinematic expressions for single-dimensional motion. The codes run on the client side as soon as you enter the necessary values and click on the calculate button. Read on to learn how to use our kinematic problem solver best. If you need any further help, connect with an expert math problem solver at MyAssignmentHelp.

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Struggling With Newtonian Mechanics? Solve By Kinematic Equations Calculator!

The MAH kinematic equations calculator is designed to find values of all five kinematic variables: the initial velocity u, the final velocity v, the acceleration rate a, the displacement s, and the time t. However, the tool is currently capable of finding the unknown values of equations of motion in a straight line and under constant acceleration. 

Using the kinematics tool to calculate unknown values in any equation of motion is as simple as it can get. 

  • The tool offers multiple options for calculating velocities, displacement, and other similar values. 
  • The UI has 3 input spaces. The labels associated with spaces change according to the option selected in the drop-down menu. 

For example, if you select the final velocity (v) and time (t), then the labels turn into initial velocity (u), acceleration (a), and displacement (s). These are the values you need to enter, which the tool will use to calculate variable values. You can also change the units of the values you enter.

That’s it! Click on the calculate button and get accurate results instantly! If you need any further help, contact our physics assignment help and homework help experts right away.

Check Our Samples

Manual Examples From Our Kinematics Calculator With Steps

Here’s a problem in unidimensional motion that our experts solved using our proprietary kinematic equations calculator → 

  • An object is moving with an initial speed of 2 m/s and attains a final celerity of 10 m/s in 4 seconds. Find its rate of acceleration and the distance it covers.

Ans.: u = 2 m/s, v = 10 m/s, and t= 4s, 

Using the first equation, we have → 

V = u + at

or, 10 = 2 + a*4

or, a = 2 ms-2

From the second equation, we determine → 

S = ut + (0.5) * a * t2

or, s = 2 * 4 + (0.5) * 2 * 16

or, s =  8 + 16

or, s = 24 m

Try out the above example in our kinematics equation calculator and tally them with the value given here. 

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MyAssignmentHelp- A One-Stop Shop For All Your Academic Needs

Algebra calculator, quadratic equations solver, kinematic equations calculator, outstanding expert teams – MyAssignmentHelp has everything you need to help you score straight As in every mechanics and physics assignment. Connect with us at any time of the day or night and get urgent assistance from genuine post-graduates right here. We have recruited brilliant minds from premier universities across the United States who stand ready to solve the toughest problems & deliver exceptional solutions every time. 

Avail of all-encompassing assignment help from the USA’s finest academic writers & enjoy a plethora of awesome features & benefits such as → 

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 Algebra homework help, discrete mathematics assignment help, physics homework help—experience world-class academic assistance for everything at MyAssignmentHelp.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to sign up or make any payment to use the calculator? arrow

No, you don’t need to sign up or make any payments. We also won't ask for your email or anything. Just enter the values, and you're done.

What are the principles of kinematics? arrow

The fundamental principle of kinematics is the study of motion and the resultant forces in an object without considering the causes and forces that produce that motion. Basic classical kinematics assumes motion under constant acceleration. The motion can be single-dimensional, that is, in a straight line, or multi-dimensional.

How often can I use this kinematic equations calculator with steps? arrow

You can use it as many times as you want absolutely for free. You do not need to register, share email, or anything; just pick an option, enter the values, and get the results.

Do you have experts who can help me with my physics assignments? arrow

Yes, we do. Teams of postgraduates in physics, mechanical engineering, and related disciplines await your command. Share your requirements, and you can hire any expert from your team at the most pocket-friendly rates online.
