Demonstrate a thorough understanding and broad knowledge of the way business can impact on the environment and how they can run environmentally sustainable operations
Critically evaluate current business practice and recognise opportunities and challenges related to the management of business sustainability
What am I required to do in this assignment?
This assessment is be based on the video case study of an onsite business review which can be viewed in BREO. You must make the sure work is your own and you should include a copy of your presentation to the panel. The presentation should be fully referenced in the University’s Harvard style.
You need to collect information from the videos and through your own research to help you understand what aspects of the company’s activities impact on the environment. You should then choose at least two other UK universities plus one from a different country. Critically compare how the aspects, impacts and mitigation actions of the the case study company compare against the other organisations you have selected.
You must set your report in the context of an environmental management systems approach and explain the terms you use. This must include the ‘Business Case’ for sustainability and you should consider how far you consider the ‘Business Case’ is demonstrated in the activities you have been analyzing.
What do I need to do to pass?
Note: Turnitin will be used for all submissions to check for plagiarism. We also reserve the right to initiate a viva voce examination if we have concerns regarding the originality of your submission. You need to be available for a viva if called following the submission of your work. Non-attendance counts as non-submission.
How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?
How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?
The teaching will set the context of the unit within the ‘Business Case’ for sustainability. We begin by exploring what that means, and we will continue throughout the unit to explore how, and how far, this concept is capable of supporting sustainable business management. Throughout the unit, the teaching uses an Environmental Management Systems approach. The teaching will explore the meaning of Aspects, Impacts and what can be done to reduce company impacts on the environment and society (mitigation). The importance of learning from best practice – and what other companies with similar impacts are doing – is a key goal and links with the competitiveness aspect of the Business Case.
Communications skills sessions are provided alongside teaching to support you with the ongoing development of your academic writing and presentation skills.